Dogs of science; Wisconsin puppy mill could face criminal charges

A factory farm in the west of Madison that nurtures beagle pupis to use in scientific experiments faces both criminal and discipline investigations to abuse animals. Radglon forms More than 3,200 dog houses whose sole purpose is to use in scientific experiments – or sell.

In February, a Dan County judge appointed La County Prosecutor Tim Grunke to consider possible criminal charges. Last week, the Wisconsin Veterinary inspector’s board voted in favor of sanctions on the surgical procedure, while it considered a possible license suspension for Dr. Richard Van Domlen, Radglon’s lead veterinarian.

‘Open Rescue’

Back Story:

Radglin Farms were founded in 1966 and has been engaged in the controversial field of breeding beagle for animal research for almost 60 years. The factory farm is located in a remote area of ​​Western Dean County and contains a series of large agricultural buildings surrounded by barbed wire fences.

In 2017, working for animal rights activists Direct action everywhere In the middle of the night I entered the facility on a mission to draw attention to what was happening. They showed rows on the rows of metal cages standing in recorded videos, which are full of 1-2 bags filled with windows without windows. The workers removed three bags from their cages, then published evidence of what they did. One of the workers – former North Western University law professor Van Husing – called the operation “Open Rescue”.

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“If we can focus on the only way that what is happening within the Radglon forms is to take legal action against us, then we have to do so,” said Husing.

Tables are turning


In 2021, workers four years after the removal of dogs, the Dan County DA filed criminal charges against Husing and two others for theft and theft.

The matter was presented for the trial on March 22, 2024. But just two weeks before it began, Radglon Farms told the DA that they should quit the allegations, when the company feared a public response after describing the company as “death threats”.

Husing and his colleagues objected to his allegations. On April 15, 2024, he called and called a group dane4dogs Turn the tables. He filed a petition for the appointment of a special prosecutor to accuse the Ridglan forms with animals.

In October 2024, former employees of Radglon testified to participate in the painful and bloody surgical procedures to remove the glands of the dogs. He did not have a veterinary license and testified that he did not use Anesthesia, but did the procedure on the direction of Dr. Van Domelin.

They are polite

Large picture view:

Bagges have been popular articles for scientific research since the 1950s when the US Nuclear Energy Commission has targeted them with radiation. In a book published in 1970, the bags have been described as especially suitable for their “medium sizes,” managed length, and their “even mood”.

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“They are humble. They are young. And they are gentle.”

Fifty years later, they are still sold for breeding and laboratory testing.

Monkeys, rabbits and dogs

By the numbers:

According to the USDA, more than 28,000 animals have been kept in laboratories in Wisconsin. Of these, 3,600, or 13 %, are dogs. The most common research animals are non -human Premlets and rabbits. This does not include mice, mice and fish, which the USDA does not track.

Of the 3,600 research dogs in Wisconsin, Wisconsin Medicine University, Medicine Area Technical College and SPF North America include about 3 %.

Twenty -one percent are tested in Redgalon (besides thousands of races and for sale).

So far, mostly – more than 75 % – placed on Lab carpLaboratory of a private drug development in Madison. It has told Fox 6 investigators that his treatment of dogs is “moral” and that “safe and effective new medicines” lead to the development of “safe and effective medicines”.

Thanks to the dogs for insulin

On the other hand:

Supporters say a long list of medical developments can be detected by animal research.

Naomi Charimabox said, “These treatments that come from this research do not only benefit dogs, but also humans.” US for medical developmentWhich is defending the scientific community against calls for funds in animal -based studies.

Charmabox said that insulin is the only example of a human therapy that began with research in dogs, whose bodies said that there is a lot of similarity to humans.

“It really helps researchers understand how the disease operates, or do you know how the basic biological processes work,” said Charmabakis.

Unexpected ally

Pressure for legislation:

The movement to end the animal test is collecting an extraordinary alliance.

“More than $ 20 billion in taxpayers’ papaya, kittens and other animals are wasted on ineffective and inhumane tests,” said Justin Goodman, senior vice president of the White Coat West Project.

“Animals don’t care about whom you vote,” Gudman said. “They just want to leave the harassment in the laboratories.”

In 2021, the White Coat West Project used the records obtained by the Freedom of Information Act to provide controversial overseas experiments to allergy and the National Institute of Infectious Disease, led by Dr. Anthony Fuki.

Research in Tunisia includes exposing a healthy beagle in front of sick sand flies to test potential treatment that can protect both dogs and humans. Many dogs involved in this experiment were later rejected due to severe illness.

“Particularly, with the arrival of the Dodge and the new administration to come and cut ways, reducing the costs that hurt the papaya and the kitten, it is something that can unite everyone,” said Gudman.

Microchips and Maggie

What’s ahead:

Amy Van Artson is one of the sounds of the sound of the sound of the voice demanding the closure of the radlin farms. She is both Begal Boyfriend and Researcher at Wisconsin Madison University. Although Van Artson does not talk for the University of the University, he said the new technology – including microchops that imitate human organs – can eliminate the need for animal research in the future. In the meantime, she is focused on freeing more than three thousand beagles from the Ridglon forms – the dogs that remind her of her beagle at home.

“I’m watching my mega,” said Van Artson. “I see that he could have been to him.”

La Kros County Prosecutor Tim Grunke said he was reviewing the documents in the matter, but could not set a timeline to decide the charging.

The veterinary inspection board voted in favor of Dr Wan Domelin’s license not immediately suspending, as the board investigator requested. Instead, the board agreed on the condition that as soon as the disciplinary matter proceeds, all surgery in the radlin farms will be carried out using appropriate anesthesia only through licensed veterinarians.

Source: We have relied on several sources for this investigation, including annual data to the USDA Animal and Plant Inspection Service. FOIA records of laboratory experiments provided by the White Coat West Project; Video Simple Heart -of -Husing Courtesy of Video Simply Van (Direct action everywhere); Dan County Court filed for 2021CF1838 and 2024jd0001; Audio recording of the December meeting between Radglin Farms and Wisconsin Department of Commerce and Consumer Protection (DATCP). Records of inspection of DATCP and USDA of Radglon forms; Wisconsin Veterinary inspection board disciplinary records; The archive of the research on the bags of And interviewed with several researchers and animal workers.

FOX6 to deal with investigations and animals

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