Egg Fertilization is often described as an epic swimming: millions of sperm as long as they can go to the egg until they are the fastest, the fastest, the fastest, the fastest, the fastest, the fastest, the most strongest, the most healthy sperm. Gene To the children of the future.
But what really happens? Does the sperm really run to the egg?
Yes and no, David Jay MillerA professor in the field of animal science at the University of Illinois Urbana Champions, told Science directly. “The main player in all of them is actually a women’s reproductive way.”
Miller explained that during the process, the sperm Doe is swimming, but “the big movement is actually provided through the contraction of the women’s path.” “Baby is the contraction of the uterus, for example, like GI track contraction that can transmit fluid through uterus.”
A The study of 1996 Miller notes how effective the contractions are. Scientists have collected sperm-shaped pearls in 64 women’s uterus, and some pearls traveled all the way to philopian tubes-where it is usually fertilization-within a few minutes.
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It makes sense that the sperm will need some extra help, because when the sperm floats in one direction, the egg needs to travel in the opposite direction to meet them, Sabin KoelThe complete professor of anatomy and development biology, at the University College Dublin School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, told the science directly. Eggs cannot swim, so instead of small hair called Celia, they help it.
Quail said, “Celia defeated Auset’s transport,” or eggs said. “Since the sperm is coming from the opposite direction, they have to fight against the present created by Salia.
In fact, the individual movement of the sperm is less and more attempt to move On the inside sideQuail said, towards the middle of the route. If the sperm gets very close to the sides, they stick to and lose their speed.
However, just because a sperm is about to come first, it does not mean that it adds fertilizers. “The sperm needs some final maturity that is found in the way of women, and its time depends,” Miller said. “So the sperm who wins the race ‘, so to talk, before they really eat the eggs, more time is needed.”
Miller added, “When they complete this maturity, they cannot be there.” “They can be replaced and slowly replace the sperm of transport, which has time to complete the maturity.”
But even the lowly sperm sperm is more successful than the majority of the semen. Since the substance produces the sperm path, it also cuts the unfortunate people from the swimming team.
Miller said, “Less than 1 % – maybe up to 2 or 3 % sperm that actually accumulates – make this route in place of eggs.” “Many of them withdraw from this path. Some are eaten by immune cells in the uterus, because the sperm is foreign.”
Koi noted that 70 % of sperm do not even make cervical. “The sperm is stuck there and cannot free itself,” he said.
The purpose of these few sperm that makes it in the Philopin tube is to get as far as possible and then stick to the wall while waiting for the egg to come. Miller said this is another place where women are choosing the reproductive organs: Scientists have seen that the common -visible sperm is more likely to be tied to the wall, and the banning of the wall provides some metabolic benefits that increase their age.
Then, once the egg arrives, the philopian tube-elliptical, also known as the elliptical-only allows the sperm-looking sperm to remove it from the wall. “As soon as a sperm is not good, the elliptical does not release it,” said Quail. “This is the main selector of a good sperm.”
Of course this is not a great system. Miller said, “Obviously, we have genetic diseases that come through sperm. So it is not always true that the fitst is genetically excellent.”
On every way, women are trying their best to eliminate the low -sperm route so that only a healthy sperm can reach the egg. In this way, the fertilization race is less and more like a job interview.
“There are some qualifications that you need to be able to apply for a job,” said Miller. “But also, the sperm which has these qualifications is open when the job is open. When the egg is elliptical.” But finally, this is the women’s reproductive way that chooses the best candidate.