Did rain put out California wildfires? It could give weeklong break


Since the weather system that has finally brought enough rain to southern California, it slowly moves to the east, thinking that war -affected residents may be thinking that they destroyed the Los Angeles County Palace this month. How long have they been safe.

Estimated Answer: Maybe a week?

This does not mean that such catastrophic Infrains will return in early February, just that the weekend was not so strong that the drought would completely remove the region and the threat of fire. Eliminate

National Weather Services said The three -day rainfall at Santa Barbara County reached 2.23 inches, but Los Angeles was mostly close to 1 inches in the coastal and mountainous areas of the County. It was a little less in the northwest in Ventura County. This still helped firefighters increase the palcedes, Eaton and Hughes to increase the containment percentage from mid -90s.

“They need a number of systems to get down. Explaining that the area is in a severe drought, (weekend rainfall) is not going to end drought,” Eco Weather’s meteorologist Alex Dasilava said, “This can reduce things for a week or more. They do not receive heavy rainfall. It will help to suppress the fire, but is about to dry up in a week or in a week. . ‘

Possibly does not predict further rain in southern California until the end of the first week of Feb Failing to fire camp.

Good news: The hot, dry Santa Anna winds that gave birth to January 7 on January 7 gave the blizzle, especially the deadly palacedes and Eaton’s fire, for at least 10 days.

A report of Insurance Institute for Business and Home Protection The terms for the spread of these initial fire are called the “worse case configuration scenario”, which states that, “historically, the forest fire suburbs conflicts humans, drought and air. Follow. ” .

Santa Anna seems more encouraging in the near future, in the near future. But they usually walk From September to May And can once again become an element until the rains are now over the fire season. It usually does not increase until January.

Terms such as La Nina PatternWhich prevents storms from reaching southern California, is playing this winter. They are changing late and data to allow rain makers to go to northern California in the coming weekend. But it does not appear that they will reach the southern part of the state, which stands to take advantage of more rain.

“If it is a wet winter, it doesn’t matter if Santa Anas is,” Dasilava said. If the earth is wet, this is not really a problem. But if it is dry, when it can be a problem. ” ‘

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