Deportation Flights Return Migrants From U.S. to Venezuela

The country’s communications ministry said that two flights to Venezuela’s migrants from the United States to Venezuela will arrive at the end of Monday.

Flights are a major victory for the Trump administration, which promised to deport millions of non -documentary immigrants. To achieve this goal, President Trump needs Venezuela’s sovereign president, Nicholas Maduro, so that he is willing to accept some of these people.

Two Venezuela -owned aircraft departed from Fort Bliss in Texas, where the flight tracks, at 7am and 15am at 10am and 45 minutes, migrants being subjected to deportation are being subjected to deportation. ۔ Website

The White House confirmed the move in A Message on X.

The post said, “Returning flights to Venezuela have resumed.” Make America safe again. “

After a breakthrough in relations between the United States and Venezuela in 2019, Mr Maduro’s government refused to accept deported citizens, except for a short -term during the Biden administration.

The announcement of flights came after Trump’s adviser to Venezuela’s recent visit to Venezuela, who returned to the United States with the six Americans who were detained by the Maduro government.

It is unclear who is on Monday flights, and some of the returning returning may face persecution.

In a statement to the news media, the Venezuelan government said it was “informed by the United States government” that some of the flights were part of the criminal group called Train de Aragwa.

“The aforementioned people will be subject to severe investigations as soon as the Venezuela’s land is touched and our system will be subject to the steps provided in justice,” the statement said.

Mr Maduro is charged in the United States, charged by the federal prosecutor of participating in a drug conspiracy, and is being investigated by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.

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