Death Stranding 2 gets 2025 release date, new trailer at SXSW

Death Standing 2: On the beach The PlayStation 5 will be released on June 26, with Game Director and Kojima Production founder Haidu Kojima announced on Sunday with a long new trailer of the game during a panel at SSW 2025.

This trailer offered a 10 -minute new look Death Standing 2 And its stars, including some fresh faces. The sequel to the 2019 Action Game will once again be a star as a hero, Sam Bridges, who breaks the package of his strange story. Lao Sidox and Troy Baker will also return as a delicate and hegus respectively. They will join the new roles played by Else Fayening (tomorrow), Shivel Cotona (Rain), and George Miller (Tran). In addition, Luka Marineley Neil, Debra Wilson, as a doctor, and Elsa Jung Lucy in joining the cast.

Death Standing 2Even in the new trailer, it seems that the previous game franchise in Kojima, a handful of metal gear has been shaken by solid. Kojima said, “The nail of Marinely looks like a solid snake on one occasion, which is mixed with DHV Mageline – Miglin becomes a man, Kojima said – giving metal gear rax/Solanthopus Webs. Beyond, there are indicators for chewing for fans of the gameplay action and a lot of stories.

I Death Standing 2The first trailer of the first trailer of the Game Awards of 2022, Kojima, said his experiences during the 2020 Covade 19 pandemic diseases indicated it to re -work on the script, which would follow the first game’s journey events after a post, known as dark monster.

Second, 10 minutes trailer Last year, it was shown from the playstream condition that the delivery company has been worked for bridges and a new organization called Drage Bridge has stood in its place. But as all the Kojima -led games, the right details are ridiculous.

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