In our opinion, instead of checking your bags, there is always a great incentive. Before going down the plane, an airline is likely to lose your unprecedented suit case, now it is the best move to formally forward, when it comes to the charging aircraft for check equipment. It is apparently impossible that it is impossible to bring some organizations into a bag that has less than half the capacity of the checked bag, which can make the packing difficult.
Just ask Pretty home beautifulDigital designer, benign government, which is not a surprising figure. She says, “For the recent journey of Miami, I just had the idea of ​​fitting everything to go into a personal item because I didn’t want to travel this light.” “I knew I needed to take a bag that was bigger than my regular bag but would meet the needs of the goods and would hold everything I wanted to take with me.”
Basically, it needed a piece of goods so that it could fit all its luggage but not large enough that during the boarding process, the flight attendant may need to be kept under the plane. So, after hours of research before his trip, the government snatched a travel bag from Kofi, which improved the entire packing process. Keep reading to know how and where to buy it.
What is a travel bag?
You may have seen several travel back bags on Instagram. The original travel backpack brand is like a physical sculpture of the phrase “work smart, not difficult” because you can really fit the entire week of clothing in this vacuum sailing bag that is not bigger than a traditional school bag. Just look at it in action on Instagram.
The government bag is similar to Space Week, but too much cheap (Space Week’s basic bag is $ 120, and The government’s Coffee One is only $ 34) Space Week One and Coffee One are designed with special compartments for specific items, including joint fabrics, shoes, books, tech, and more. When asked why the government chose his kofi bag from the other brand, he said, “I was looking for something that was quite wide to hold all the goods I needed for a three -day journey, this bank would not break, because it was just for more than this special weekend, and I reviewed it more than that.” Once you fill your items in the bag, zip it and get out!
Why do you need a kofi bag?
A travel bag that can fit more (or more) items, organizations and gadgets as the traditional Carey On with the handle and wheels. You may not use it for every trip, but for a few days for those last minute, you will need something that allows you to bring enough things. “I really liked the bag. It has a lot of compartments, which really helped me stay organized because I brought a lot of things: clothes, shoes, toilets, documents and everything,” the government noted. “Unlike throwing things down in the traditional bag, it was really easy to pack because it opened the whole path and laid a flat, such as opening a traditional suit case.”
Does Kofi fit a lot of clothes?
Easy Answer: Yes, it fits a lot of clothes (and other requirements). The government used the bag in Miami for a three -day weekend and managed to bring a lot of things there. “This is definitely according to my need. I managed to squeeze two pairs of pants, a pajamas set, five tips, a bag of toilets, my cosmetics bag, a hair stream, a couple, a couple, a book and a notebook.” Even the most permanent overpackers can do the same.
Is it easy to travel with?
It is our personal opinion that a large part of the suit case appeal is as much as its internal ability as it is easy. Of course, it would be easier to travel with anything on the wheel, but since it fits the coffee bag in the overhead basket and both under the seat, it is a trade. He said, the government has admitted that it is not painful or painful to pass through the airport. “Some people who often don’t talk are that the bag is tracking through the security that is carrying your back. She says. They all really helped to wander around the day. “
The profession and in agreement
Should you get it?
If you are frequent passengers and enjoy the weekend .In do not just need to pack a few things that you may have to check anyway. Instead, pack more than what you may need in a bag that is comfortable to carry and fits under the seat of the plane. The government added, “I have seen in fact that one ton is rotating around the airport in different colors with this exact bag. This is clearly a favorite of the crowd for the passengers of the personal item.”