Connecticut’s ‘lax’ homeschooling rules could have aided boy’s abuse, some education advocates say

After accusing a connective woman of keeping her steps captive for two decades, education supporters said the state’s large -scale unorganized home schooling system could allow parents to prevent their children from public ideology without which security can be monitored.

The stepmother, who is now 32 -year -old, told police that she had been removed from a public school in fourth grade and was built a domestic school.

His stepmother, Kimberley Sullivan, was released from jail on Thursday when he posted a bail of 000 300,000, accused of imprisoning and dying of hunger.

His lawyer Ioannis Kaloidis said that Sullivan denies any wrongdoing.

Waterbrie police have not identified the steps publicly, which they say is 5 feet 9 and weighs 68 pounds. He told police that he was being severely abused from the age of 11, which suffered “long -term abuse, infidelity, severe neglect and inhumane treatment”, ” They areAId.

Pinoon said in an interview, when he was removed from school in childhood, a former principal, Tom Panon, went to the extent that he knocked on the family’s door in search of him.

Penon, who was now the Principal of the Bernard Elementary School in Waterbury, said he was given several explanations about why Sullivan’s son was no longer going to the class in the early 2000s, including that he was being built a domestic school.

“Based on the information available, the student was uncontrollable from the Waterbury Public Schools in 2004,” said Interim Superintendent Darren Schwartz.

Waterbury Police Lieutenant Ryan Best told NBC News that the stepmother told authorities that her formal education had ended around the fourth grade and was then built a domestic school.

Pannone Told NBC Connecticut: “You could just get your child back from school, and you didn’t even have to plan for home schooling. It was a very slow system, and many parents would just say, ‘I’m schooling them from home’, and that’s it.

Sarah Eagen, a lawyer for legal rights for children, said that many states have some kind of policy or regulatory framework around the school to withdraw from school for home schooling, but connectivity does not have clear guidelines.

“When a child is enrolled from school, the caregiver is said to be, ‘I’m taking my child back home school,’ this is the end. It is the end. No one will meet again. We will confirm,” said Eagen.

Eagan, who previously worked in the office of a state watchdog agency, Child Advocate, said that when parents have the right to educate their children as they fit, the states have a clear legal interest in ensuring the safety and education of their citizens.

This is the reason why the states’ home school rules have been maintained for the most part for legal challenges, he said.

“It is a balance of rights and responsibilities, and it needs a thinking balance, because most people who are directing their children to educate are probably doing so good and properly,” said Eagen.

“But you have people who take advantage of the system, and it’s not really about home schooling. It’s about people who show up, those who use home schooling to remove their child from public ideology.

He told police that the atrocities for Sullivan’s steps ended on February 17 when he used a light, hand -clearing and paper to set the fire.

According to an arrest affidavit, when the authorities found him, he was “extremely distorted, his hair was sweet and restless, he was very dirty and his teeth looked like a bitter.”

“Investigators further discovered that it had been provided with the least amount of food and water, which has led to a very nutritional state.” PoliceAid.

To remove a student from Connecticut’s Public School, parents “should formally present this intention to the district offices and file papers for it”.The child’s withdrawn from school“According to the state.

While parents are told that “a portfolio for each child contains activities, assignments, projects and diagnostic samples, as well as logs of used books and materials.” The rules and regulations do not appear Getting important provisions of enforcement.

National Home Education Legal Defense Association For parents or guardians, the minimum regular states are connected to the states to remove their children from the class.

The association said connective, Texas and Adhu have no “notice, no lesser” about home schooling.

Although state officials can ask parents to show their children’s work departments, the group said it “is not necessary” and if “Asked you to attend In the optional portfolio review, contact us for help.

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