Boston Selts will have more than two decades and two NBA Championships for the first time. The Symphani Technology Group’s Managing Partner, William Chashlam, will buy a franchise at a price of $ 6.1 billion, a briefing about the deal has confirmed that the deal has been confirmed. Athletic.
The sales price for North American Games franchise is the largest, with Josh Harris the largest in the group of $ 6.05 billion paid for Washington commanders of NFL, and Phoenix Sons has exceeded $ 4 billion until the team was added to Spanish in 2023. Franchises.
The agreement still needs approval from the NBA’s Board of Governors.
Chishlum is a fan of a lifetime of Selts and has grown up on the northern coast of Boston. The sixth Street, a private equity firm, is also buying a part of the team, as well as the current Saltics minority owners Rob Hill and the Bruce A Bell Junior Sixth Street has been purchased in Springs in 2021 and is now one of the three firms that invest in numerous NBA franchises.
The current governor and CEO of Seltics, WiC Grosback, will remain in these roles during the NBA season of 2027-2028, a source about the deal, and continues to monitor the team’s actions.
The existing Selts minority owner Stephen Paglioca and the Philadelphia Flees were among the other bidders of the minority owner, Stein Middleman Seltics for the Seltics. For the past few months, Paglioca was considered a favorite by industry sources. According to league sources, the president of the team, Brad Stevens, sold the final month before the sale of four cell candidates.
Seltics star Jason Tattum said earlier, “I trust WYC and PAGS and these people in my decision.” “And to understand the culture we have decided and we have, and to maintain it and try to improve it. We have found some big people in this organization and this team and we have really worked hard to make something special. I am sure that whatever the next group is, we will make the right decisions.”
Selts last July, the franchise’s latest NBA title was sold a few days after winning. The team is owned by the consortium headed by the Grosback Family since 2002. The group has purchased Selts for $ 360 million and now sells it about 20 times more. Jordan Park Group led the sale process as a financial adviser to the Grosback Family, while Goldman was the investor group’s financial adviser led by Sex Chisholm.
Boston is the ninth NBA team that has received controlling ownership sales since 2019, as team owners withdraw cash for a big return.
When enjoying a lot of success, the Chashlim will take over the franchise but they will also face difficult questions. If his salary is at or near his current level, the clutics is higher than the luxury tax in the fourth straight season. As part of the current collective bargaining agreement, with the rapidly capable of rapidly -taxing tax rates in the next season, keeping the current group together can mean a roster, which costs more than 400 million in taxes in addition to total payroll.
What does this mean for the future of Seltics?
The long -term impact of the property shift may not be possible yet, but the stake for the sailtics is high as they aim to maximize their championship window. Putting only the current roster for the next season will result in a bill of more than $ 400 million, including the player’s salaries and luxury tax payments.
This shows that the big roster can be on the horizon, regardless of the fact that Mazola’s team repeats this summer as a champion. At least, the franchise will need to make important decisions about its future.
How will the new management work with Grosback to stay in charge by the end of the season of 2027-28? Under the leadership of Chassolum, how much would be the purpose of changing the purpose of the new owned group? How much will the incoming and outgoing ownership groups indicate that to cut off a lot of luxury tax bills that will catch all the key players?
There is still a need to answer many questions. And these are big questions. – J. King, Seltaks writer
(Photo: Brian Flhuarti / Getty Images)