California continues to be hot for new business startups


A new business started in almost every minute of the day in California last year, According to a new report.

According to the switch on Business, the Golden State has received 43,265 new business applications every month – or 59 per hour.

But, despite impressive data, the authors of the study, who analyzed business application and census data, found that it was 6.9 % lower applications than 2023.

According to the study, Florida obtained 72 new business requests per hour in 2024 – mostly any state created the hottest state for startups, while West Virginia received only 855 new business applications out of the 100,000 residents in 2024, which is the lowest rate in any state.

In the past four years, the United States has seen a record number of new business

In the last four -year period, 21 million new businesses were launched in the United States, Former SBA Administrator Isabel Cashelus Gozman’s end -term reportFor, for, for,.

To compare, in 2021, the Americans applied to start 5.4 million new businesses, according to the SBA, two-thirds of the annual 3.2 million new business applications annually in five years before the onset of pandemic disease.

In 2023, in 2023, about 1.5 million new businesses were launched with plans to hire 1.8 million workers.

There are more small businesses than any other state in California

There are more small businesses than any other state in California, jobs Seven million people.

According to a business analysis, with the California Startups network, the state has also won the tiger in the venture capital of the United States. 59.25 % In the first quarter of 2024, all capital increased across the country.

Wyoming is a hot location for new business creation

According to the switch on Business, Woming has received 10,133 new business requests in every 100,000 residents in 2024. However, report analysts found that people outside the state made many business requests.

To compare, California submitted 1,317 business requests in every 100,000 residents in 2024.

“[Wyoming’s] Business friendly tax structure, minimal regulatory requirements, and strong privacy laws have made it a priority destination for business registration, especially for non -American residents and out of the state, ” Start in Wooming.

Top 10 states with the most new business in 2024

According to the switch on business analysis, the states with the most new business applications in 2024:

  1. Florida (634,321)
  2. California (519,182)
  3. Texas (490.063)
  4. New York (292,292)
  5. Georgia (243,088)
  6. Illinois (171,878)
  7. North Carolina (163,499)
  8. New Jersey (153,350)
  9. Pennsylvania (146,789)
  10. Ohio (145,512)

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