Better Choice shareholders approve acquisition of SRx Health–Srx-health

Better Choice Company (BTTR) The shareholders approve the following proposals at a special meeting of the company held on March 21: To grant the issuance of 30,000,000 shares of the joint stock of better choice in relation to the proposed management with SRX Health Solutions, according to which the better selection will be obtained. To allow a better choice to change the legal name of “better choice company, Inc.”. For “SRX Health Solutions, Inc.” and NYSE American Tucker symbol “BTTR” to “SRXH”. Allowing the company’s 2019 privileged award plan to increase the number of securities. The preliminary results of the meeting show that a total of 1,419,942 shares of the joint stock were voted, which represents 71.71 % of the total shares of the joint stock released according to the record date of the meeting.

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