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A southern California man returned home last month after evacuating the catastrophic forest fire in Los Angeles to discover an unexpected resident under it.
Semi Arbaid told CNN he found a 525 pound adults, male black bear is living under its alotenia, California, when the city flames in the city. The fire took more than 14,000 acres of fire and joined the state’s advanced The most destructive forest fire, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
The bear, who survived the fire while staying home, needed the box of box thinking for the wildlife team to safely lure it.
According to Arbod, “Berry,” when the locals say the bear, has long been visiting the neighborhood, which has described them as a “drunk” creature. Usually keep his business in mind.
According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the only bear living in California is a black bear.
Arbed and his wife said they had been warned about the bears in the area, but never expected such a close confrontation.
“We heard from the neighbors that there is, you know, this is a big bear. He comes around all the time, “Arbed said last week.” No one knew that the bear was really living under our house. So it was a surprise to everyone.
The couple discovered Barry when they started to hear the noise under their house. They decided that it was a small critic. However, what began as some hassle and strange girls turned into a rapidly shocking discovery.
“We thought it was probably a opening or something,” said Arbid. “Certainly, I put a camera there, and we saw this huge bear.”
While other residents evacuated the area of ​​Altadina, it seems that the bear hung back and decided to seek refuge under the house, apparently not affected by the fire. Arbed said a fish and wildlife biologist said that despite flames and smoke, the bear could be indicated to stay under the house.
“The smoke will not stop them,” said Arbaid. “If they find a place, they feel safe, nothing stops them.”
Arbud said that a local gas and oil company, Sokalgas, refused to serve Arbud’s house until the bear was no longer living in the crawl in which he was going to work. In all justice, a bear will not make the best fellow worker.
Until the bear could not be removed, Arbod and his wife were unable to restore their strength. Therefore, the backup was needed to remove the berry in a timely manner.
The CDFW had a relatively difficult task to remove the giant bear from a small space. CDFW employees were concerned about how Barry could react to the Berry’s coming from the house, Arbud said. Arbod explained that several cameras were installed from different angles to monitor the bear’s behavior during the removal of the CDFW team.
Due to the size of the animal, the Wildfire team decided to use anesthesia to subdue the bear, not to remove the fish and the Wildlife Department. Said In a news release on January 29.
According to the release, a team of eight employees of Fish and Wildlife Biology Kevin Hole and Wildlife spent about 24 hours in an attempt to remove Barry from the crawl site.
Some creative thinking – and a routicic chicken help – the team successfully added Barry to his bear’s cave, according to Kcal associated with cnn. The CDFW said the team used a bear net to safely keep the berry safe and to move it to the appropriate residence.
According to the agency, Berry received a welfare check and GPS collar, and was released in the Angels National Forest.