Australian scientists produce first kangaroo embryo using IVF

The University of Queensland’s experience considered the development of Kingaro eggs and sperm in the laboratory setting before making the fetus using the method of intosatoplasmic injection (ICSI).

This technique, which is already used on humans and some domestic animals, was tried on the eastern gray kangaroos that died. The species was chosen because it was not at risk and has the current high population.

Scientists say that despite how famous Morsopilles are in Australia and they play an important role in its biological diversity, their tissues have been limited.

“Now we are now improving the combination of mrosopal eggs and sperm, culture and protection techniques,” he said, adding that such methods “the genetic material of these unique and precious animals”. I will play an important role.

IVF is being used worldwide as a device to try and preserve dangerous species.

Last year, scientists obtained the world’s first IVF Rhineo Pregnancy, which successfully transferred a lab -produced rhinoceros to a surrogate mother in Kenya.

In 2018, IVF was also used to make the world’s first donkey fetus.

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