Warsaw, Poland (APP) – The world’s attention will be focused on the rest of the Nazi Germany’s atrocities on Monday, as world leaders and royalty will join them on the 80th anniversary of the independence of Auschwitz.
An important observation was held at southern Poland where Nazi Germany killed more than a million people, most of them Jews, but pole, Roma and Centa, Soviet prisoner war, gay and others to Adolf Hitler ethnic. The ideology was targeted. .
This anniversary has renovated the survivors because of the high age, and one is aware that they will soon be eliminated, even the growing war makes their warnings related as before.
The Auschwitz-Berkino State Museum says it expects about 50 survivors from Auschwitz and other camps to attend programs on Monday afternoon, including political leaders and royalties.
On this occasion, the powerful will sit and hear the voices of former prisoners, while there is still time to listen to them.
Auschwitz Labor & Death Camp
German authorities founded the Auschwitz detention camp in 1940 after invading Poland in the Poland town of Osm in 1940. Earlier, there was a camp for Poland prisoners, including Poland prisoners and members of Poland’s underground resistance. Later, the Germans set up close to 40 camps in the area, but the most notorious is Burkinao, which is a widespread site used for widespread casualties in gas chambers.
Burkino arrives were brought to cattle trains without a window, tight, window. On the notorious ramps, the Nazis chose those whom they could use as forced laborers. Second – the elderly, the women, the children and the children – were killed immediately after their arrival.
Overall, the Germans killed 6 million Jews, or two -thirds of Jews, or two -thirds of Jews, or two -thirds of Jews in the Holocaust in Auschwitz and other camps, in the ghetto and near people’s homes.
Free by the Red Army
On January 27, 1945, the Soviet army arrived at the gates of Auschwitz and found about 7,000 weak and outrageous prisoners.
Boris Polyvi, a representative of the Soviet newspaper Praoda, who was the first eyewitness, described a scene of incredible misery: “I saw thousands of violence that the Red Army rescued – people are so thin that they are in the air. Like branches, people who may not be able to guess. “
At the time, Allied Troops were going to Europe in several aggression against Germany. The Soviet troops first liberated the camp near Lablin in July 1944, and will move forward to liberate Auxhots, Stethav and others.
Meanwhile, US and British forces liberated camps in the West, including Bochan Wald, Dachao, Mothavson, Bergen Bellson.
After Independence Day, some prisoners were killed due to the disease. Many people suffered the grief of killed parents and children, spouses and siblings. The whole family was cleared.
“For Jewish survivors, the day of independence is a very tragic day,” said Havi Direfus, a historian at the Holocaust at Tel Aviv University.
Auschwitz Memorial Site
Today, the site is a museum and a monument under the Poland state, and is one of the most viewed places in Poland. His mission is to preserve the memory of the things there and what happened there. It arranges guided tours and its historians research. In 2024, more than 1.83 million people visited the site.
The museum’s challenges are huge, and they include barracks and other items protection efforts that have never been intended to end up for too long. Includes protection in a particularly emotional project Shoes of killed children.
Auschwitz as a symbol of all Nazi terror
Auschwitz is not only the place where 1.1 million people, 90 % of them were massacred. It is also very high in the collective memory of the world, because the sculpture of all Nazi crimes, and an example of this can lead to hatred, racism and enmity.
One of the reasons is that Auschwitz has emerged as an important symbol of Holocaust and other Nazi crimes is that it was a labor camp and thousands survived, witnesses who can tell the world what happened there. –
“Many people have survived,” said Thomas Van de Put, a scholar in memory of the cultural and collective Holocaust at Kings College London, who, for example, was barely in the sites that did not have such forced labor. “
From 1942-43, Most Jews were killed in Trey Blanka, mostly Jews, and widespread casualties in Belzak and other camps, but the Germans tried to hide evidence of their crimes, and There was no survival in it.
In Auschwitz, the Germans left the barracks and the watchman, the remnants of the gas chambers and the hair and personal belongings of those killed there. “Arbate Macht Free” (work will set you free of charge) Gate is recognized all over the world.
In Burkina, what is left has also left its mark on the collective conscience. As Wayne Deer Putt noted: “You have a gate, you have a wagon. You have an incredibly tall railway platform that leads to the former cemetery and gas chambers.
Who is going?
Presidents, royalty, ambassadors, Rabbi and priests will be among those who are left in the hot tent in Birkina on Monday afternoon.
Germany, a country that has been removing the country’s crimes under Hitler for decades, will be represented by Chancellor Olaf Schools and President Frank Walter Stein Mayor. In addition, there will be President of Austria, which was connected by Germany in 1938, and Italy, whose dictator Benato Mussolini formed an alliance with Hitler.
Other participants include Polish President Andzeage Doda, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and French President Emmanuel Macron.
Britain’s King Charles III, who has long worked to promote the memory of the Holocaust, will also attend with other European royalties, including King Felip VI of Spain.
Which will not be there
Russian President Vladimir Putin was a respected guest on the 60th anniversary in 2005, which proved the heavy price paid by the Soviet soldiers in defeating the Soviet role in liberating Auschwitz.
But they are no longer welcomed by Russian aggression in Ukraine. This will be the third consecutive year-after the full scale of Russia’s Ukraine in February 2022, there is no representative of Russia.
“This is the anniversary of freedom. We remember the victims, but we also celebrate freedom. Museum Director Putter Susky said Russia’s presence is difficult to imagine, which does not clearly understand the value of freedom.
The war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza also created a stir on whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should attend. International Criminal Court, the world’s top war crimes court, Issued a arrest warrant for In November, Netanyahu accused of crimes against humanity for Israeli actions in Gaza. This meant that Poland, as a signator, had to face the responsibility of arresting him.
Finally, Poland’s government Approved a resolution Resolve to ensure the safe participation of the top Israeli representatives. However, Israel is based on plans to send its Minister of Education, Yuva Catch.
In London, Danika Karka and Randy Harshaft in New York participated in the report.