Aurora, Colo. – In November, voters approved a billion dollar bond for Aurora Public Schools – which is the largest for the district. Now, the APS is approaching the ground to break the ground on a major funding project. It is Colorado’s first Health Science Science High School.
School-which is not yet known-will offer carrier routes to medical imaging, with nourishing, health health, X-ray focus, respiratory therapy and surgical tech/sterile processing. Lisa Adams, director of career and technical education for APS, said these are high demand, high -paying jobs.
“We know that when (students) are graduating from this health science high school, they will have opportunities to get into the workforce, with industry certification,” Adams said.
The school will be built on the North Middle School campus from the CU Inchlets Medical Campus exactly across Puria Street. Aurora Public School is in partnership with UC Health to design high school, so students will travel for some clinical courses taking hospitals.
Aurora Public School will build the first Health Science High School of State
The construction of the school will help increase Colorado’s health care workforce, said David Mafa, the UC Health chief diversity officer.
The mafa said, “The way you build it is by expanding your workforce, and one of the way you work is to identify different workforce pipelines that you probably haven’t considered before.”
Ground breaking will take place later this year and the school is expected to open in the fall of 2027. Aurora community college students will also get credit for college through partnerships, and in some routes, they have the option to stay for five or six years to get an associate degree.
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