Atlanta’s homelessness non-profits face ‘daunting’ future after federal grant pause | Atlanta

Jammu Evans was full of fear at 5am, three hours of sleep, to see if he could still enter his federal funding account with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

There is no rift. According to the website, his account was “for recovery”. He said that Evans demanded other leaders of state agencies and local non -profit people to work on homeless, mental health, abuse treatment and disability services, and the story was the same.

The federal government was closed to business. Soon, it may also have an agency.

“Any costs for the month of December, I will not be able to pay myself,” said Evans, CEO of Project Communities Connects Ink, “said Evans, a federal fund -driven Atlanta CE, a federal fund -driven Atlanta CE. He said, who serves the displaced people. Its organization has a few months in the reserves that cause the risk of solonesi if it is spent. “In the first 15 days of this month, I received 000 180,000 compensation. At this point, I now have to address the staff, you know, what is plan.”

On Monday night, the White House instructed the agencies to stop all the federal grants while assessing whether the program met the ideological standards of the administration, “financing for foreign aid, but non -governmental organizations, DII, wake up, and not limited to the Green New Deal, according to a memo released by the Office of Management and Budget.

Federal grants and loans represent about $ 3 out of every $ 3, which the federal government spends. Memo directs agencies not to freeze the funds that support medical, medical, social security and direct support to individuals.

Nevertheless, states like Georgia rely on federal funds to help meet social services such as transportation costs, basic and secondary education, and residential aid. Almost all funds are federal to fight displaced in Georgia.

News of the Trump administration’s order to freeze the Federal Grant was broken, while Evans and his staff were in the van in search of homeless people.

It was a long night for Evans on Monday. The city performed its annual point in counting time to be displaced on Monday night. At midnight, most of the crew of social service agencies around the city was on the road, which surveyed the unauthorized people.

Evans arrived home at around 2 am. It tried to sign the HUD’s Grant Dispulsion System website at 5am. – Before the expected rush on the news – just to receive the error message.

“We’re trying to ensure that no extraordinary people have the opportunity to hire and connect with services, and then we have to axis in the morning to ensure the provision and stability of our organization This is quite difficult.

Like many cities, Atlanta also lacks cheap housing. It also has a shortage of property owners who are ready to offer homeless people at any cost. Hot fare market means that landowners can choose tenants who are less likely to disrupt. Benefit service providers have been able to offer these feudal lords. It is stability: each time renting.

Evans said that by this obstacle he promises landowners and his clients.

“I’m not paying for February because I don’t know when I’m going to return my money, okay?” He said. “It will have a widespread impact.”

State officials are still preparing a response. Some were unaware that frozen landed.

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