Are Schools Succeeding? Education Department Cuts Could Make It Hard to Know

Deep cuts and financing staff in the Education Department will put a big blow to the public understanding how American students are performing and what can be done to improve schools.

On Tuesday evening, at least 100 federal workers who focus on education research, student testing and collecting basic data, from the Department of Education, a part of the bloodshed of 1,300 staff. Out of the government, at least 700 people in the field of social science research were released or raised last week, resulting in federal lack of widespread academic research.

After the latest federal test score, the holidays came only a few weeks after American children’s reading and math skills at a record low. The Trump administration officials have pointed to a low score, which is evidenced by the evidence that the education department has failed.

But now these deductions raise questions about how the federal tests, which provide statistics about student tasks, will continue.

Other basic information about schools, with research on what works to improve them, seems to have the most damage or disappear completely. Many people who worked on math and reading, supporting disability and reviewing important articles for students’ education.

And some of the data they collected and analyzed played an important role in directing schools to the federal dollar.

“This is a bad, baseline information on how our society is working,” said Philip Ann Cohen, a economist at the University of Maryland. The Department of Education is aware of the school system far away from the school system, and has been identified, and issues related to the economy, labor market, race, class, gender and inequality have been solved. “It’s a common language – a common fact that we all have.”

In a written statement, Medi Bedarman, a spokesman for the Department of Education, said, “We are aggressively auditing our expenses to ensure the maximum impact for students and the responsibility of taxpayers.”

Mr Trump and his allies have repeatedly made fun of the Federal Fund -run research that touches the race and gender. But in many canceled projects, the basic questions of the success and welfare of the students were controversial investigations.

The Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences had already seen a decrease in hundreds of millions of dollars. According to two former employees, last night, the majority of his staff were released. The department’s arm has arranged high quality exams, including a national overview of educational progress, which is used to measure how much American students are learning and how they compare with colleagues around the country and around the world.

NAEP has been declared compulsory by Congress and has been monitored A separate, independent board. Harvard, a testing expert, Andrew Ho, who previously oversee the exam, who was sitting on the board earlier, who had previously monitored the exam, who had previously said Harvard’s testing expert on the board, but federal employees who had lost their jobs were responsible for their job.

“If the Congress and the Department do not work fast to strengthen the national assessment skills, who can trust that once the ‘Gold Standard’ test is still fair and comparative?” He said.

The IES workers also maintain the combined basic basic of data, which is a result of settlement information about students and teachers, which is used to determine how many federal dollars K-12 school districts should be received.

An agency’s research analyst, Batsey Wolf, who was discharged yesterday, said the reduction in staff and funds was so severe that he believed: “For the most part, Felping H, federal education research has ended.”

He has three young children and said he will be expected to change his career rapidly, as many educators are now out of work, and federal funding is dry. Referring to a Trump official, who said he wanted federal workers to leave. “He said,” There is a success in it. “

External workers who lost their jobs were employed by a jerk of independent organizations, including the American Institute for Research, Mathematics and Waste, who often contribute to the government and are known for high quality studies.

The deductions in these staff were confirmed in interviews with existing and former employees and recording internal meetings through the New York Times.

Some of the research deductions immediately affected students and teachers who were participating in the academic equation of medical drug cases.

A Cancery Contract Used to Weight Oregon schools spent the taxpayers’ dollars effectively, which were aside to improve the reading guidance, emphasizing the blocks of early literacy, words and other buildings. The results from the study were to guide school spending decisions in the future.

Another unmanned project provided high school students for guidance and life skills for people with disabilities, as they developed for a transfer to the workforce or college. The purpose of the research was to find out what kind of help was helpful.

Nathan Advilson, director of the School District District Special Education outside Salt Lake City, said that students with disabilities “do not” do much research “on their needs. About 90 students were participating in the canceled evaluation in its suburbs, called the Charting Mai path for the future success, which was working with 1,600 students across the country. With the financing of the project, the valleys were allowed to hire three teachers and one adviser, who had trained most of the autumn semester in training and started meeting students in December.

Since the grant was canceled, these staff have been re -assigned to other jobs. Parents received a letter stating that their young people would no longer have the support of the program, but they would be eligible for another type of consultation.

Mr Advils said he understands the need for financial responsibility. But he argued that quality education research has served the purpose, pointing to the best ways that help students with disabilities help free, working adults.

A spokesman for the US Institute for Research, who was managing the program, refused to request an interview. According to the audio recording of joint internal meetings with the Times, the non -profit kept about 300 300 staff on Monday.

In one of the recorded meetings, Air President, Jessica Hubpen, said that due to the federal decline in education and foreign aid, the group lost $ 80 million out of $ 2025 expected for research projects for research projects. He told Federal Stop Work Orders, more Million was at risk of 80 million.

“We cannot maintain the level of our existing staff in view of the situation and the head winds we know are coming,” he said in the recording. “We have to make harassing decisions that affect our staff.”

The air received Million more than 600 million Federal funding in 2024, which includes $ 115 million from the Department of Education.

According to the current and former staff, 340 workers were released last week in Mathematics, based in Princeton, Mathematics. Received the organization 3 1.3 Billion Last year, the federal government, which includes $ 29 million in education department.

According to a non -profit statement, the Trump administration ended the mathematics work that manages regional educational laboratories in 11 states. They were labs Research In addition to mathematical instructions, written guidelines and teachers shortages, other topics.

The group also received financial support from other federal agencies whose budget has been reduced.

The digital project manager, Grezia Myron, who was discharged, said that the mathematics staff had heard about the second Trump’s second term about the preparations for deductions during his tenure. He said that the group was planning to improve its existing funds with state governments and donors.

Nevertheless, the reduction limit was astonishing.

“No one expected it,” said Ms Marin. “Your life is upside down and backwards.”

Another 50 positions were abolished in a research non -profit Waste in San Francisco.

Several To canceled western plans He addressed the biggest challenges of education since the beginning of the Kovide 19 pandemic diseases. Westdess had arranged for the cancellation of Oregon’s reading reforms, and was planning similar efforts in Alaska, Montana and Washington.

The group was also working to counter permanent absenteeism in a district of Nevada School. Researching ways to prevent teachers’ instability in Utah; And develop tools tools to help students in Alaska.

In a written statement, Wasted Chief Executive Genilley said, “This cancellation is a great loss to our nation’s students, families and communities.”

The American Enterprise Institute’s educational expert, Nit Malik, who is canceling the contract and detecting a discharge. But he argued that the deduction in Trump was so wide and quickly, he threatened the agency’s basic works and groups of wheat with wheat.

“We will lose some valuable studies, and we will probably lose some flowering studies,” he said.

Kitty Bennett And Kirsten noise Research in partnerships.

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