American Travel Anxiety Grows for Those Headed Abroad

Since Frank Verhig and two friends planned to travel to Mexico City, they not only lived and what museum they would see, but also planned the language they would speak. “It’s not that I think it is unsafe for Americans,” said Mr Varhagay, 65, a California living in California.

Two months after his second term, President Trump has shown panic in Europe about the possible elimination of alliances. Boycott of US products in Canada; Increased tensions between Denmark and Greenland on the independence of the island; And indicated the protest in it Constitutional And Panama More than the possibility of US regional expansion.

His suggestions are also reviewing some Americans on their travel plans.

Since the inauguration, some agencies have been seeing a decrease in the sale of American international travel sales. Tour operators are asking worried users about how they will receive abroad. Risk management company Global Rescue recently did A survey This showed that 72 percent of “experienced” US passengers expected the Americans to welcome this year.

It does not seem that panic has translated widespread cancellation, but social media and travel forums are full of Americans, “Will they hate us?”

New Hampshire retired Christine Baner, who is planning a trip to France, asked passengers Europe’s Europe Forum insights on how French were responding to changes in US foreign policy. A few days later, when she started humiliating NATO and its affiliated countries, she became more upset. She and her husband have not made any changes at least for now, but they are “hoping that the journey will not be too insecure.”

The 68 -year -old Wiki Jaffe has other ideas about Berlin’s tour this fall. His concern is not only from the height of the right in Germany, but also with political changes in the house. “How will I be respected while living in Berlin?” He asked. “At least, I’m ashamed, but now I am afraid of revenge or violence.”

Some people, including Mr. Varhagha, who travel to Mexico, are adjusting their behavior using their other, European, passports. A Chicago expert, 63 -year -old Sheryl Carlson, plans to show his nationality in front of the owners of the premises that he and her husband are living while traveling to Canada, “to ensure that a small business from our presence will not feel troublesome in our host.” The 60 -year -old Peter Sarkian, who travels from Farmington Hills twice a month to Canada, pays for a Canadian dollar, not the US dollar. “I try to hide that I am an American,” he said.

They are stopping the steps. None of the interviewers for this article have experienced anti -US sentiment. But panic is taking advantage of it. For Cameron Hewitt, content and editorial director Europe’s EuropeHe said, a decrease in the sale of the guidebook, “literally starting from the opening day,” he said.

Some potential guests are feeling a visit to the Mexican city, Lisa Worth, the owner of the Atoxato, who offers a visit to the Mexican city of Oxaka. “We have several US passengers,” we have decided to cancel our week -long visit, either because of the travel partners, due to concerns about safety in Mexico or the current administration and their anxiety, caused them to help them with a shortage of disadvantages.

Jack Ezon, the founder of Go beyond thisA luxury travel company based in New York, canceled the journey to Mexico. “He was traveling for a birthday party and he booked the whole hotel,” he said. “But it was fine after the whole tariff thing, and his security team said, ‘Don’t go, there are anti -American emotions, it will be very dangerous.’

Mr Ezon said, who added that booking to Mexico added that this fear has not been tolerated in the experience of other customers. And sales to Europe are on the rise. “Ever since Covade, the crisis has been very fast,” he said.

It is difficult to identify the cause of passenger problems. Jeff Rai, executive vice president of the tour company, said aircraft crash, prices and volatility in the stock market have cooperated. Colt. “We are a little behind the last four to five weeks that we were preparing last year,” said Mr Rai. “It’s just wandering right now, it’s really difficult to know what the reason for change is.”

Mr Rai has described it as a “light anger”, which is playing more in nerve calls than cancellation. And since a lot of bookings have already been made, it is not very upset about this year. If uncertainty continues, he said, “I don’t know about 2026.”

Since Mr. Trump took office, interest in some destinations has increased. Then when he said he wanted to “buy” the United States Greenland. The Greenland Tourist Authority – a 52 locations to go to the New York Times in 2025, said it was seeing “curiosity about destination”.

The new focus has had a similar impact on Panama, which Mr Trump has said he wants the United States to claim again. Owner of Carlos Ivan Aspinosa, Panama Canal ToursSaid his company has increased the booking of US tourists significantly. “President Trump’s announcements,” he said, raising curiosity. “

This does not mean that there has been no protest against US statements, especially in Canada, where citizens have also objected to Mr Trump’s prices, and at the same time expressed his desire to transform the country into the “51st state”.

Donna Salter, a retired journalist in Vancouver, said the protests are not directed against the American people. She, like many Canadians, is swearing to the United States for the period of this administration but welcomes the Americans. “We love the Americans and we like the US dollar especially now,” said Ms Selter.

Not all foreigners are acceptable. A trickyak user In Scotland “Mega Tourists” told them not welcome, and a farmer from Danish Island Borne Holm Ended a contract He had an American travel agency to get tourists in his home for coffee and chat. “If I have to discuss democracy with the representatives of such a government, I will feel ridiculous.”

On a trip to Italy, California’s Rebecca Anderson, and her family, had a taxi driver whose criticism of American politics began with Ronald Reagan and ended with Mr Trump. Ms Anderson told her that she was “very young to vote for Reagan and was actually a California resident who voted for Harris.” Apparently forgiven, he later saw himself a song with the driver with “Volory”.

Other US is adopting tactics created to overcome criticism, such as answering the question, “Where are you from?” With the name of their state. California -based Save Ruk Nicholas ordered the Etisy buttons, saying, “I didn’t vote for it.” She plans to wear them on a trip to Europe.

Places may not be necessary. None of his colleagues reported an anti -American sentiment, said Mariana Hamman, owner of the tour agency in Mexico. He said, “Sometimes you ‘go home, see the Grango’ graft.” But it is not about politics but about overturism. “

When California’s David Rosas Klein recently traveled to Mexico, he expected that he would never “see anything against the American”. “What I learned was that people distinguish between the American people and the US government.”

Mr Hewitt, of Rick Steves Europe, said that the fear that people in other countries would be equal to the actions of their politicians, is a particularly American problem that has emerged during the Gulf war. “If you look at history, most European countries have experienced with a ruler who, especially in retreat, is not particularly proud of them.”

Bow Alberts, a 57 -year -old school principal in Denmark, agrees. He manages the Danish Facebook Group, 89,000 strong, which is dedicated to boycotting US products. Mr Alberts said, but US citizens are welcomed in their country. “Danish people have no problem with Americans. We have a problem with the US administration.” Even in the mega hat, a tourist will be treated well, adding, “Because in Denmark, we have the freedom of speech.”

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