The United Nations Mission on Saturday hosted a reception to Ambassador Munir Akram on Saturday, leaving his office later this month, calling it a “prominent figure in multilateral diplomacy”. Associated Press of Pakistan Notified.
Then Prime Minister Imran Khan in September 2019, instead of Dr. Millia Lodhi, declared Ambassador Akram Akram as a permanent representative of Pakistan at the UN headquarters in New York.
Akram served as a permanent representative of Pakistan in the United Nations, holding the post for six years between 2002 and 2008.
“In his remarks, Ambassador Asim Afshar Ahmed paid tribute to his predecessor, acknowledging his decades of ‘outstanding services’ to Pakistan,” App Said
He described Ambassador Ikram as a prominent figure in “patrons, a wonderful strategy, and multilateral diplomacy, who served with great distinction and unprecedented dedication to Pakistan.” App.
Ambassador Ahmed also said that Ambassador of Ambassador Akram in public service will continue to affect the generations of Pakistani diplomats.
According to the report, on behalf of him, Ambassador Munir Akram termed his journey “long and challenging, still deeply beneficial.”
In attending the program, Pakistan Consul General of New York, Amar Ahmed, Consam, Deputy Permanent Representative of UN Usman Jadon, Mission Officers and his family, staff members, and the wife of Ambassador Akram.
Ambassador Ahmed emphasized on the important role of foreign services in protecting the country’s national interests in the growing global landscape. Addressing the officers, he expressed his insights on enhancing his professionalism to effectively visit the emerging challenges.
A video package that presented remarks from various mission ambassadors and Pakistan Mission officers were also played, highlighting Ambassador Akram’s contribution and its impact on Pakistan’s diplomatic community.
Earlier this year, before Israel banned UNRWA operations for Palestinian refugees, Pakistan, representing Ambassador Akram, had warned Pakistan that the move would end humanitarian work in Gaza, scattered by the dispute.
Ambassador Akram told the agency a meeting of the UN Security Council during “controversial support”, “Israel has no right to shut down any United Nations in the East Jerusalem or any international facility in the Palestinian territory occupied by the United Nations Mandate.”