Alaska plane crash updates: 10 people believed dead


With the discovery of debris in Alaska, the search for the missing plane carrying ten people has ended, and officials believe there is no survivor because the staff intends to work on Saturday to recover the bodies. Is

Cesena 208B Grand Caravan plane landed on Thursday afternoon on Thursday after a rapid and speeding loss on the sound of Norton on the west coast of Alaska on Thursday afternoon, Lieutenant Benjamin Machantier Cobble on Friday. Said.

The widespread search of land and sea by the state and the federal agencies continued in the difficulties of the weather, which continued until the next day, before the officials said on Friday that they had a plane on the snow above the snow 34 miles away from the nominee. The discovery was done, where the plane was to be landed on Thursday.

The Coast Guard said the search staff killed three people in the debris and thought that the remaining seven were dead, but he said they were inaccessible due to the plane’s condition. According to the Nam volunteer fire department, the daylight was stopped on Friday and resumed on Saturday.

“With the information we received, the accident was not alive. At present, our views are with the family,” the fire department said.

The identity of the victims was not yet released on Saturday, but Alaska State Toruper Lieutenant Ben Anders said at a news conference on Friday afternoon that all the occupants were regularly adults on the flight. Until Friday morning, families were notified.

The latest accident occurred when US aerial travel and aviation encountered when a passenger plane and a military helicopter collided with Washington DC, killing 67 people and Medica in Philadelphia Seven people were killed and more injured and injured in a deadly jet crash and more were injured and more injured. More than 20 others.

What to know about the aircraft, it was lost in its area

The aircraft was operating between parts of the state that are not accessible by ground vehicles and roads. It was a flight traveling from Alaska’s Alaska, Alaska, Alaska, which took less than an hour. What to know about this area and aircraft:

Location of aircraft: According to the direct flight tracking website Fligradar 24, the last known position of the aircraft was 38 minutes after it was more than water before its disappearance.

Barring Air: Barring Air is in the headquarters of a family -owned airline in Nome. Its website says it has been working since 1979 and offers schedule regional service, charter flights and cargo transport. This includes the beach beach, about 150 150 miles in western Alaska, the schedule service of both Nome and Unalakleet. It operates aircraft and helicopters.

Nome, Alaska: Nome is famous for gold rush town and its end Aditarod Slage Dog Race. The city nearby 3,700 people According to the Name Convention and the Bureau, accessible is accessible only by dog ​​sled, snoo mobile, water and aircraft.

Unalakleet, Alaska: Travel Alaska’s website describes the University of Alaska as the southern iñupiaq village. It has a population of about 800 people. According to the Bureau of Land Management, the village is accessible only by airplane.

Airplane model: According to Flagadar 24, the missing plane was a Cesena 208b grand caravan, with tail number N321BA. Cesena’s website says, “The Grand Caravan ® was an engineer for the former turbulent missions, high payloads and short, somehow was an engineer for the runway, while providing single engine economy and simplicity.”

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Weather, poorly searching for complicated

The Coast Guard said it was not yet known what was due to losing the aircraft’s height and speed on Thursday. The results of a thorough investigation cannot be revealed for some time.

Although the officials certainly cannot say what has happened, the mechanic with the Coast Guard noted that the weather conditions were not ideal when the plane disappeared. He said helping to find in a national guard helicopter in Alaska could not reach the area on Thursday due to bad weather.

Machantier Kobbal said Friday that it was about 3 degrees in the air, and the water was about 29 degrees.

“Hypothermia and cold water shock is a major concern for the first respondents and officials to work on the search and rescue works near or on the water.”

Kenins said snow and fog was reported on the plane’s flight route on Thursday, which contained between 1 to 7 miles, where it left and half miles to 8 miles where he had to land.

How can the plane disappear?

Jim Broochal, a former navigator of the aircraft’s ship’s ship’s ship’s ship, said that although the airstrikes related to the casualties are minimal, small accidents occur frequently all over the country, and sometimes They stop sending a signal about where they are on the plane.

“When the conversation ends and they cannot indicate where the plane is or cannot talk to anyone on the radio, then they will classify the aircraft as a missing,” said Brucchal.

Today, this is a less frequent problem that thanks to technology automatic monitoring-bradist, or ADS-B, which is necessary on all aircraft and broadcasts location data for air traffic controllers. Nevertheless, “that’s it,” Brucchal said.

The aircraft flies with a transponder, which sends permanent data to the recipients on their current height, aircraft, latitude and longer. Brahcol said that if the transpunder stops sending the signal, it can be due to power failure or a problem in the transmitter.

According to the National Institute of Professional Professional Protection and Health, in Alaska, many people roam small planes, and the state faces more accidental accidents than the rest of the state.

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