On Thursday, Afghan Foreign Minister Aamir Khan Mutaki demanded the gradual return of Afghan refugees from Pakistan but from the rest of the world.
Earlier this month, the federal government had “advised” to all illegal foreigners, along with the Afghan Citizens Card (ACC) holders, to leave the country as part of the return campaign by March 31. Have the office of the Foreign Office Verification That the deadline is still there.
The ACC is an identity document issued by NADRA to Afghan nationals. According to the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM), the ACC gives temporary legal status to Afghans during their stay in Pakistan.
According to UN dataPakistan has more than 800,000 ACC holders.
The minister was addressing an Iftar gathering for diplomats based in Kabul on Wednesday, with Pakistani charge de Affairs Obedore Rehman Nizmani. During the past four decades, millions of Afghans have moved to different countries, including Pakistan and Iran,.
He said, “We hope, as the hospitality that has been seen so far, the definition of refugees in the future will be the same, and their return will be gradually and peaceful.”
“The refugees should be respected and their return should be gradually and dignity.” “We have no problem with security all over the country, but there are some problems that make it difficult to prepare for the arrival of refugees simultaneously.
“It is hoped that the work will be implemented slowly,” Mataki told the diplomats.
He also sought help from international organizations with the arrival of refugees and demanded that countries be patient and to ensure good treatment of refugees. “We hope everyone will cooperate in this regard,” he added.
During his speech, Mataki also mentioned the reopening of the Turkham Border Crossing, and insisted that the problems between Pakistan and Afghanistan should be resolved through dialogue.
“The Turkham Border Crossing, which was closed for three weeks, was reopened yesterday through talks and understanding with the Pakistani party,” he said.
He added, “Both countries should try to solve their problems through understanding and negotiations and refrain from harming the common people and nations.”