No courage, no glory!
A healthy intestine allows for absorbing proper digestion and nutrients, stabilizes the immune system, supports sleep and reduces the risk of certain chronic diseases.
How important is gut health? New research shows That Parkinson’s disease can begin in the intestine.
Pls, On -the -oncients have partially blamed Regarding older cancer’s adult affairs on lifestyle factors such as Western diet and high sugar consumption.
A study by Clarkson University, New York, even found a possible link between a person’s intestinal health and personality.
That is why it is very important to keep in mind what you feed your intestines. Celebrity Nutrition, Author and Gut Health Specialist Dr. Daryl Jeffer Gut’s health support reveals seven foods that become part of our diet.
Bone broth
Low in sodium but rich in collagen, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes, bone broth is born to the bones of various animal bones and the integrated tissue boiling for it A nutritious stock.
Jeffrey told the post, “The bone broth is an intestinal healing super food that is equipped with collagen and amino acids such as glutamine, gluten and prolean, which repairs leaking intestinal and quiet inflammation in your intestine over time.”
Other experts recommend the entire bone broth on the collagen powder – and when it comes to the treatment of the hangover, the bone broth is a prophylactic and a remedy.
Vegetables of black leaves
“Deep leafy vegetables such as spinach, Swiss bodies, bananas and dandeline grains are dense with nutrients and are full of fiber, minerals and bitter compounds that stimulate digestive and leaf flow.”
Fiber is very important for intestinal health. It feeds good bacteria in the intestines, slows down digestion, and facilitates smooth and regular intestinal movement.
Fermented vegetables
“The fermented vegetables are probiotic power houses that flood your intestines with good bacteria and organic acids to improve digestion and balance your gut microsum.
Some experts put two fermented foods – Campi and Sorcart at the top of their list. Camachi and Sukkot’s base is filled with cabbage, antioxidants and vitamin C and has been termed as just a “super food”.
The sketch process that leads to raw cabbage to Camchi or Crout produces probiotics that support gut microbium, which is the key to the body’s immune response.
And Camachi can have the benefits of digestion. I study 2024 Bmj open It has been found that the traditional Korean dish of fermented vegetables can help reduce fat in the stomach area – and potentially reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.
The fermented super food is also known to reduce an angry hangover.
Pre -biotic fiber
In addition to supporting intestinal health and digestion, fiber reduces inflammation, helps with weight management, improves blood sugar control and potentially reduces cholesterol.
The geofry recommends adding pre -biotic fiber In your daily diet, when it fuel probiotic growth and giranable.
He explained, “Pre -biotic fiber such as garlic, onions, asparagus, artchets and green bananas provide beneficial gut bacteria in your micro -bayoms beneficial gut bacteria and support probiotic diversity.”
Carbs rich in fiber
Jeffrey emphasized the usefulness of fiber -rich, slow -burning carb such as quino, wild rice, cabbage rice, sweet potatoes, yam, root vegetables and digestion.
“Carbs rich in fiber Intestinal health is one of the most important nutrients, yet only 5 % of the population is recommended 25-35 grams daily. This reduction is one of the major reasons why 42 million Americans struggle with constipation, which causes many people to trust the laxative without realizing the dangers.
The water of lemons
According to GioffreWashing food or starting with lemon water is an easily accessible detachment.
“There are some easy ways to help flush toxins, remove constipation and support the digestive tract, by drinking lemon water and eating beetles,” he said.
Lemons are a rich source of vitamin C, shown Increase the level of good gut bacteria And help keep the immune system strong.
Healthy fat
While processed meat, fried foods and hydrogenated oils are hell on the intestines, healthy fat is essential for its overall welfare.
“Healthy fats such as eukados, olive oil, coconut oil, grass fed butter, cow meat and ghee helps reduce inflammation and repair intestinal damage.” “Omega -3 -rich foods such as wild -caught fish, grass -fed beef, sheep and egg yolk support support brain connectivity and promote absorption of nutrients while digestive digestion.”