The interruption between the purchase of weapons between the Ukrainian Defense and the official threatened to increase on Monday, which threatened to create disagreement with the government at an important time because he fought President Trump against Russia. The US tries to agree to maintain support.
The dispute broke out three days ago when the minister, Rustam Omarov, said he would not renew the contract of Defense Shopping Agency, the head of the Defense Shopping Agency, citing “unsatisfactory” results. But on Monday, Ms Bezarukova said she would remain in her position, indicating that her agreement had been renewed by the agency’s supervisory board and that Mr Umarov had to subdue the decision. There is no right.
The agency was set up to ensure transparency and performance in the acquisition of weapons. Workers and some legislators, including a prominent persons in President Wolodmeer Zillski’s party, condemned Mr Omarov’s move that he was a misuse of power that destroyed corruption efforts.
“The minister’s process is a serious crime against our legislation and corporate governance,” Ms Bizzrova said in an weekend. During the battle
He notified his office on Monday, and it was unclear how the stand -off would be resolved.
The conflict is in danger of weakening an organization that managed to purchase more than $ 7 billion in arms last year and became partners of Western allies who have channels funds in Ukraine’s growing defense industry. – The purpose of a new move is to develop the West as an alternative to reduce arms supply. .
According to several participants, Western diplomats in Kiev were meeting with government and agency officials on Monday, who spoke anonymous to discuss private talks. Meanwhile, the head of the Anti -Corruption Committee of the Ukraine Parliament is with Demanded the resignation of Mr. Amrov.
The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense did not respond to a comment. It seems that Mr. Omarov will resign, as Mr Zelannsky has not yet offered any criticism.
This is not the first time that the Ukrainian government has shifted to the responsible officials for reforms in the state institutions, whose efforts have led to internal friction. Last year, for example, Olixander Kobrakov was fired as the infrastructure minister for reasons.
But an attempt to dismiss Ms Bizzokova came when Ukraine is struggling to send enough weapons to her army in the front part and is at risk of losing important weapons supply from its key ally, the United States.
Workers are also concerned that it sends a wrong message to Western partners, especially the US Republican, who have long expressed concerns about corruption in Ukraine. “Minister Omarov is sabotaging our ability to maintain our international partners’ confidence in our defense capabilities and weapons purchase,” said Daria Kalinovic, executive director of Ukraine’s Anti -Corruption Action Center.
Mr. Amrov said in a Post on Facebook That the agency failed to “provide timely supply of ammunition to our army” and instead was entangled in “political sports, leakage of contracts, and information.” It did not provide specific examples.
Former Ms Bizzokova’s former adviser Timellen Wahabov, who resigned last year, also criticized the agency, saying she had sometimes failed to effectively review the contracts. He emphasized that instead of direct source from private suppliers, the agency has a lot of inclination to purchase from state companies.
Ms. Bezarukova was appointed a year ago under the head of the Defense Shopping Agency a year ago after Mr Amrov took over as Defense Minister. He promised to end corruption in the ministry after numerous revelations about mismanagement of basic goods such as weapons and food.
The main task of Ms Bizzovova, the former top manager of the National Power Company, was to eliminate the Basons – often the suspicious weapons dealers who were raising prices. He said the agency has Part of the Basons less In 2023, from 81 % to only 12 % purchase last year. These figures cannot be independently confirmed.
Ms Bezarokova said her work caused tensions with the ministry. He claimed that defense officials pressured him to sign an agreement with a Ukrainian weapons factory in a government -owned ownership that lacks workers and gun powders to produce mortar shells. After preparing and sending to the front, many shells failed to fire, Starting a big scandal in Ukraine.
The Defense Ministry acknowledged that only more than 20,000 shells were withdrawn. But others believed that the number was very high.
Mr Wahabov said that even if he was under pressure, Ms Baiserovo should have raised more voice to oppose the deal. She also said that she could control the manufacture of weapons in the factory. He claimed that there were many “standard and administrative issues” with the agency’s structure that hindered the purchase work.
Ms Bezarokova said she hopes to set a supervisory board in the agency late last year, a move Praised Through Western partners, we will help protect its freedom. “I don’t want to be a window dressing or reputation washing machine,” he said in an interview on Saturday. “
However, one day before the first meeting of the board, on December 17, the Defense Ministry amended the agency’s charter, and gave the ministry the final authority over most of the board’s decisions. “He sorted the board’s authority,” said Yuri Dzier, the chairman of the board and former deputy of Mr. Amrov.
Last week, the Supervisory Board voted in favor of extending a one -year contract for Ms. Bezarukova, Mr Amrov said he would not renew his contract and announced the dismissal of two state representatives on the board, including Mr Dzier. –
Ms Klenivic, Anti -Corruption activist, said the Ministry of Defense does not give a thing to increase the head of the charter agency’s head. However, a Charter reviewed by the New York Times, however, allows the Ministry of Defense to reject any agency official “Ukraine’s national security if you identify current or potential threats.”
It is unclear whether Mr. Amrov has decided to dismiss Ms Bizzovova on a legal basis.
Western partners, especially European individuals, who are unable to supply all the weapons needed by Ukraine, have helped the agency implement a move in which the agreements signed with local arms makers are paid. Western funds have been used. The Ministry of Defense said weapons worth more than half a billion dollars Was developed Last year through this new mechanism.
Even if the new procedure continues to work, it is unclear in view of the current disruption.
“This is the worst possible time to overtake the story of Kiev Defense Reforms success: When Ukraine needs additional financing for weapons and blasphemous opponents in Moscow and doubting its integrity in some Washington constituencies The reasons for the Ukraine Defense Governance, “The German Martial Fund of the United States, a research institute, Said.
Andrew E. Cromer Reporting was contributed.