Stopping Trump means fewer pink hats, more kitchen tables

Although the protest is powerful, the kitchen tables can be the focus of new resistance, a place where we talk, hear and understand how to help each other.


Half a million people rallied for women’s marches in Washington on January 21, 2017, eight years ago. At that time, it was the largest demonstration in American history. The pictures of the day show a sea of ​​pink, as many of us were wearing a hand-made hats.

As a lifetime nitcher, despite the permanent amateur one, I am a fan of crafts (the use of crafts for political protests). With millions of others, I made my friends and family’s family by making pink hats, gifts, wearing and decorating it, this is a very most subtle symbol which means screaming: “This p —- turned back!

Women’s march was the first Trump era of “resistance”, and it became part of a wave of activity against a government that we fear that she is anti -women, anti -, immigrants, anti -immigrants, anti -everything Will compete. -Sweety-Mardan-Christine-Hatro Patriyarki.

Here we are again. Donald Trump once again won the House. In this country, and many of our families have a deep division.

The public outrage of alarm plays an important role in social change. But this time the resistance should be different: we need less pink hats and more kitchen tables.

The kitchen tables are where we gather. This is the best place to start organizing for change.

Kitchen tables have always been a powerful organizing location, especially for women and colorful people. The kitchen tables are where real work, and real conversation. My kitchen table from which we eat, where we work and do homework, where we fill a mile li li envelopes, where we make paks for a large lunar year celebration. Perhaps like you, my kitchen table is the place where we gather to laugh, cry, talk about important things, chat with neighbors and hold block associations or board meetings –

My kitchen table was also a key seat piece to build Donors of the colorful networkThrough the color gentlemen and the first group of the nation; Man friendship togetherThe first infrastructure center to support collective giving globally. And Asian women are giving the circleWhich I founded 19 years ago.

As a co -creators of ourselves, we found around the kitchen tables to talk, listen, to listen, to break bread and to build relationships. We asked, “What can we do together that none of us can be alone?”

These are the relationships that are made over time and with a description of interest, trust and shared vision and values, which affect the hard, necessary and pleasant work to create a social change together. These are the relationships that build a relationship and community.

As many people have written, we are American Lonely, stress and not all happy. This loneliness epidemic is directly linked to the fish that are breaking our families, communities, towns and the country.

Unlike many social diseases, loneliness is a cure and is not expensive. Oppose loneliness. In my upcoming book, “The Big Hum”, I try to deal with the fact that giving circles is a great car that is a great car to belong to it. And, not accidentally, they are also a great way to practice urban engagement.

Giving the circles are groups of people who come together to donate, volunteer and work together. The collective giving is on the rise Recent research Explaining a field that gave 1 3.1 billion between 2017 and 2023, in which 370,000 people were added to the circles. Once again in the next five years, it is on the way to double.

Giving the circle members more, voting more, voting more, running more and more for the office, and in one word, are pleasant.

During a period when human friendship has been Billion leaves dominatesOffers a lot of democratic shape to change circles.

Now is the time to make your circle

Now is the best time to join something. Bring it to a very local level. Get out and educate what your local community is affected by, then join or get a group to join it.

For my block association in Brooklyn, these are mice and trees.

To give Asian women a circle, it is developing Asian women and gender wide artists who are moving towards social change in New York City.

In these groups, we can all follow the things that have a relationship. .

We can practice talking about things that are important to us. We can practice to trust and be reliable.

Imagine that if many of us organized and converted their kitchen tables into a hot place of belonging to it, could they be done? Add the values ​​and money to the conversation on this table – what is given or is collected – and you have made a circle. You may have started a movement.

A plea: On your kitchen table, please add one or two leaves. If we just talk with our “regular”, we do not develop and learn.

So invite some people who are not included in your regular people. Be open to one of them. Invite, expand, do it, be curious. Ask what you can bring to the table.

Hale Lee has worked in humanitarian for more than 30 years. They are the co -founders of Donors of the colorful networkThe first national network of colorful rich people, and its founder Asian women are giving the circle. Its first book, “We big“About that we are much stronger than the amount of our individual parts, it will be published in March.

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