Trump Offers a Glimpse of New Stealth Fighter, the F-47

Since the late 1950s, most of the US warplanes have been named as a threat, such as F-4 Phantom and A-6 penetrats, or animals such as F-14 Tamkets, F-15 Eagles and F-16 Fighting Falcon.

On Friday, the 47th president of the country, along with Secretary Defense Pet Hegsith, announced that the latest US Air Force’s Jet F47 would be.

What kind of manner would F-47 be left was left.

The president said that there was 47 “a beautiful number”, but he gave some details, besides making a Boeing new jet and he would be considered a sixth generation fighter.

Elon Musk, one of Mr Trump’s closest advisers, said the Defense Department should buy drones instead of potentially more expensive fighter jets.

The Chief of Staff of the Air Force, General David W. Aloiin, was also in the Oval Office and later said in a statement that F -47 has been a memorable jump in gaining US aerial superiority in the coming decades. “He added that F-47” will be the most modern, deadly and compatible fighter so far-designed to outpack any opponent who dares to challenge our brave airplanes, outpacks, out menuver, and out of it. “

Mr Trump said an experimental version of the aircraft has been flying for almost five years.

If the F-47 provides the president’s promises, it could be the world’s latest fighter aircraft. Russia and China are working Their own Sixth -generation warplanes, such as European countries, are groups.

Mr Trump said, “We know every other aircraft.” I have seen each of them and it’s not even closer. This is the next level. “

Mr Trump added, “You know, five levels are good,” Mr. F-22 and F-35 cite the fifth-generation warplanes rating to the F-22 and F-35. “This level is six.”

In his statement, General Potatin acknowledged that F-47 “the world’s first staff would be a sixth generation fighter.”

Generals and admirals have long been valuable as a matriculation to the extent to which their fighters perform better, though the ability to fly long -distance with stealth and over -fuel -powered engines has also become important factors.

“Its speed is at the top: so ‘more than two’, which you often do not hear,” Mr. Trump said about F -47, in a clear reference to Mitch 2, or twice the sound of sound, which US military jets first acquired in 1953. SR-71 Blackbird A petal plane, which flies In the early 1960s And retired in the 1990s, Mitch could fly in more than 3.

According to the Air Force, the twin engine can travel up to 1.5 F-22 Mach and reach 2, while the single engine can reach the F-35 Mitch 1.6.

The President declined to say how much the F -47 would cost, but General Potatin’s statement shows that it would be less expensive than the F22 Ripter, which will be replaced, and the air force plans to build most of them.

According to an airplane Fact sheetThe service has 183 reptors, each cost $ 143 million.

Mr Trump said the F-47 would be “practically unbearable”. He added that it would “have unprecedented power, it has got the most power of any jet of its kind.”

“The enemies of the United States will never see it,” he said in front of reporters and TV cameras.

The United States has used stealth aircraft since the first Gulf war in 1991. Who first flown In 1981, Baghdad led the attack.

During a NATO -led bombing campaign in 1999, another stealth aircraft, B-2 soul The bomber saw the fight for the first time. Shortly afterwards, Serb forces shot F -117, and proved that the stealth aircraft is still weak.

As far as the new warplanes are concerned, Mr Trump said he hoped he would never have to use it for war. He added, “But you have to do it, and if that happens, they will not know what they have been killed.”

Neither the President nor General Potatin gave any details about F-47 arms making. But the stealth warplanes that the Defense Department has presented in the service is the same feature: they are less visible for the radar, they are designed to carry missiles or bombs in the internal cells.

For F-22, designed toward the end of the Cold War, only to shoot Soviet jets, which limited the number of air missiles. The Air Force later designed a small diameter bomb weighing 250 pounds that could fit inside the raptor, allowing it to attack the targets on the ground.

F-35 can carry a handful of missiles and bombs internally under every wing, but if the maximum stealth is not necessary for the mission, it can also take them externally.

B-2 bomber, however, can carry 40,000 pounds internally. The Air Force has not yet said its alternative, how many bombs of stealth B-21 riderWill take, will take.

This is not clear.

At the Oval Office on Friday, photos of “F-47” were shown at the stands on both sides of Mr Trump’s desk.

On the right of the president, a photo depicts the aircraft on the ground below a large US flag, which has a trilateral and flat nose above the landing gear in front of him. The cockpit was a mirror, and his wings looked slightly faster. The rest of the planes were confused with darkness and cinema smoke below.

Mr Trump’s left -hand image appears to be an artist’s offer that was offered to the F47 emerging from the cloud.

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