the curious history of cannabis as health product

The product derived from hemp has been welcomed by CBD “Amazing medicine of our age”Offering potential benefits of health without high. From juice and coffee to turfals and ice cream, CBD products have flooded the market for consumers seeking health problems.

But with CBD products in the UK and European Union as well as falling “Novel foods” Rules and regulations, rather than pharmaceutical standards, are not subjected to strict safety and quality control like drugs. The UK committee on toxicity has also flagged potential health risks, Such as a liver injuryLeading to the release of the Food Standards Agency Guidance of safety.

Today’s regulatory space and health concerns reflect those of the 19th century when cannabis products were commercialized by the food industry.

In the 1830s, William Brook and ShaganiAn Irish doctor, discovered that hemp is effective in treating muscle drains and abdominal pain. French psychologist Jacks Joseph Moro Later, he sought his possibility of mental illness. Because of this, many doctors of the 19th century made the champion as a cure as a hemp champion.

More days had passed that patent medicine manufacturers began to use cannabis as a common component in their formulas. But soon, the cannabis was not just in pharmacies – it was in food.

Surprisingly, this change was not driven by the food industry, but rather as part of the efforts to tackle tuberculosis through the church’s free environment in Sweden – an important cause of death in all social classes. At the moment in the country.

Paul Peter Waldsterm, the leader of the Swedish Mission Covenant, wrote a letter to Soninska Morgon Bloodet, allegedly treating a tuberculosis through a hampesed, rye flour and a milk house. Its verification helped make this treatment popular and many people began to make their “Waldester ö mru”As it became famous.

Feeling business opportunities, businessman Jay Bartleson developed a powder trading version with beautiful French name Extert Bing. They marketed it as tuberculosis, chest diseases and low energy nutritional treatment. As the demand increased, rivals rapidly jumped on the band wagon, using frightening tactics to persuade consumers, using their lives without ending their lives.

The rise and fall of maltos-canbis

The most amazing hemp -affected product of this era came from the Red Cross Technical Factory. He was a “health drink”, a mixture of maltos-cannabis, a maltos and hemp, which is marketed as nutritious and delicious, especially when mixed with cocoa.

With an aggressive advertising campaign, the company almost joined Almost SEK 290,000 One year (about 75 775,000 in modern money), the opening of factories in Chicago, Helsinki, Brussels and Uttarchit.

A particularly dramatic ad shown a serious wrapper, shining from a lighthouse, shining from a lighthouse. Meanwhile, a mother and daughter raised their arms winning, and thanks to the maltos-Canbus, there is a sign of victory over death. The tagline boldly claims that this product has a “big future”.

Maltos-Canabis Advertisement, Helloosonin, 1 February 1894.
Vikimidia Commons

However, questions are roaming about its justification. Newspapers argued whether this product was an important treatment or “A pure scam product”. While some critics called the crease a “epidemic”, others say that much harmful is quite harmful – at the moment a hot topic in Sweden’s parliament.

In response, the Red Cross denied the half -page signed by its executives, which defended the reputation of the product. But doubts remain. After its effectiveness and safety, the sales of maltos-cannabis have begun to decline after various legal action and increasing concerns. By the 1930s, the product had completely disappeared.

History repeats itself?

The 19th century’s commercial hemp market managed to achieve growth due to the absence of marketing rules for both food and pharmaceutical products. Manufacturers freely promoted their products using scientific claims and heavy marketing from Buzz Word.

The reason for this is that CBD is one “Border line” Product, which is in a regulatory gray area, allows marketing strategies to flourish without strict supervision. Like in the past, brands tap the health problems of consumers with the promises of welfare revolution. The most disturbing thing is that the influence of social media is occurring Used Confirming the CBD, this is especially appealing to the young audience.

With a global CBD market price 19 billion US dollars In 2023 and by 2030, there is a possibility of a 16 % increase annually, with a wider, cautious history of the commercial cannabis, cautioned and cautioned.

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