Bozeman airport reports record high spring break travel numbers

Bozimin – On Monday, some people were celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. But for others, they are celebrating because this is the beginning of their spring break. And I can add quite busy one, considering the Bozimin Yellowstone International Airport (BZN), telling me that they have seen more than records.

See the story here:

Break Travel Numbers recorded in spring airport reports

“Usually the flights I take, there are usually open seats, but this is said by a passenger.

Jacqueline Turkey is from Seattle but her sister lives in Bozimin, so she is frequently flying in BZN. Jacqueline tells me that she tracks to see once a month, but because she flew around the spring break?

“Usually for Seattle to Bozimine, this flight is like $ 200 to $ 300, it was the cheapest.”

Jacqueline told me that the Spring Brake’s first would not like his first visit to the weekend, but some rich mud and coal miner concert tickets removed it. When she arrived on Friday, does she tell me?

“The claim of the goods comes especially here for skiing,” says Jacqueline.

Although Jacqueline was not traveling for spring break, there are thousands. In fact?

“So, our spring break has been at the record level. BZN’s chief executive officer says Brian Spree.

The Spreener told me last weekend for spring break, the airport saw about 5,000 5,000 passengers a day, while 3,500 departing passengers in a normal day. The aspirinator tells me that not only is it the busiest in the spring, but it is between construction in BZN.

“Our biggest challenge right now is working through great structures with our claims of more compulsions, and that means something is very limited in the areas we have,” says the aspenage.

When I arrived at the airport, it was very crowded. But it is expected that this is the first spring airport spring break in the spring, which has seen a large construction. But as the aspiring tells me the weather is operating, the operations are running easily. And the springs brokers come and go throughout the week?

Speaking, “You’re going on vacation and it’s a good thing when you arrive at the airport.

And I had to ask the aspirin, where are the hot spring break destinations this year?

He says, “It seems that Costa Rica is one of them on the list of people this year.

And for Jacqueline, who is not traveling to the tropical spring break destination, I asked if he would refrain from traveling around the spring break next year.

“Now I am not in college, yes.

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