ORONO – The University of Mine Cooperative Extension and the Mini Department of Agriculture, Forests and Reservations are ready to offer a webinar, “Rabbit Health Care for Producers” on Wednesday, March 26 at 7pm.
A rabbit health will be held on March 26 and will host Amin Extension and will feature Veterinarian Matt Ford at the southern Mine Hospital for small artisans. Edwan Rimsburg Picture
This webinar is for rabbits for races and raisins seeking information on health care. Southern Mine Hospital’s Veterinarian Matt Ford for Sanders will share information about the detection, treatment and prevention of infectious diseases of rabbits, including cocoa, e -conconse, and rabbit hemorrhage.
There are also approved medicines and return hours to help inform meat makers.
The event is free, but registration is needed to receive the webinar link. To see more information and register, see on the event’s web page Growth.
For more information or to request appropriate accommodation, contact Savi Baiz at 207-667-8212 or contact at suit.baez@maine.edu.
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