Survey reveals over half of Americans lie to their dentists about oral hygiene

More than half of Americans are lying with their teeth about their teeth.

This is in line with a new survey conducted by Tocker Research and is launched by Espen Dental, in which 2,000 US adults have asked about their dental hygiene, as reported by the SWNS.

This study talked about the mixed emotions when it comes to dental visits, including fear, anxiety and discomfort, which can often lead to delays.

Brush, Flas, Mouth Wash: Dental doctors appear to be the right setting

In the survey, 60 % of respondents admitted that they want to impress their dentist during office visits, which causes 57 % of them to fabric about their dental hygiene.

More than half of the studies acknowledged that they wanted to impress their dentists during office visits. (Istock)

And yet, 48 % of people said they believe their dentists can see through their lies.

Fourteen percent of the respondents said they feel guilty of their dishonesty. Thousands of years and the general Zeroz felt the least guilty of lying to the old Americans.

“I’m a dentist – here you should never keep your toothbrush close to the toilet.”

One -third (33 %) of those lying to a dentist did not just want his dentist to think less about them, while the fifth (19 %) said that he did not mean dishonest, but it “panic lies” mistakenly slips, especially in general gold (27 %).

Dental care obstacles

The survey states that anxiety is the biggest obstacle that prevents Americans from getting a dentist (24 %), which affects 29 % of women and 17 % of men.

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Twenty -two percent said that the original dental work removed them, Babi Boomers feel the most troublesome in this regard. And 13 % have avoided the dentist’s office because they were ashamed of poor dental hygiene.

The survey also revealed that about a quarter Americans (22 %) suffer at least once a week, thousands of people suffer from more discomfort than other races (34 %).

Handed over to the dentist's chair

When it comes to dental appointments, more women than men express their feelings of anxiety. (Istock)

These factors can contribute to 45 % of respondents who have not met a dentist in the past year and one in five American (19 %) who has not seen in the dentist’s office in five years.

One in five has not seen a dentist inside the dentist’s office in five years.

“Maintaining proper oral health can be very high,” said Dr. Taylor Sutton, a multi -practice owner and practicing dentist in Pennsylvania’s Philadelphia.

“That’s why it is so important that you make a dentist, which you connect, which shows sympathy and leaves all the decisions to the door.”

Dental doctors to work on the patient's mouth in a wide shot of the dentist's office

After leaving a dentist, the respondents reported after eight days of dental habits for eight days before slipping into the old routine. (Istock)

Dr. Tracy Redden, a master of multi -practice in the espigner dental in Boston, echoed the importance of proper oral care.

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He told SWNS, “Neglecting oral hygiene – whatever the reason you – can cause serious health problems.”

“Your mouth is the gateway to your body that can affect your overall health. Maintaining oral health is not a choice, but our overall welfare needs.”

Dental doses and does not do so

Researchers are determined to maintain better dental health when leaving the dentist’s office, respondents said that their hygiene habits remain only eight days before they slipped in bad habits.

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More than half of the survey respondents admitted that they do not regularly flushes, and that they brush their teeth for less than two minutes in one session of seven of seven of seven of the seven of the seven sessions.

“You will not have to use a toothpaste as a toothpaste, but it should still be a part of your dental cleaning,” told Fox News Digital in Canada’s Alberta, Canada.

Dental doctors stare on the camera

Thousands of years and General Zerz felt the least guilty of lying to their teeth than the old Americans. (Istock)

Raunbakhsh added, “Although dentists recommend cleaning their teeth twice a day, this is not the only way to clean up that you should use daily. Mouthwash and flossing also play a major role in keeping your oral hygiene in high state.”

According to the doctor, make an error when cleaning the house when a lot of pressure is used when brushing.

“You may not need to use a toothpaste as a toothpaste, but still it should be a part of your daily cleaning of your teeth.”

He wrote, “Just because you brush your teeth hard, it does not mean that you are giving them more clean.” “In fact, it can harm your teeth and gums.”

To clean your teeth safely and correctly, Raunbakhsh recommends using a manual brush with soft Brussels or electric toothbrush.

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