Putting microquinular to use it means controlling its i/o pins. That is how you do it.

Once you have set up a pin, or entire port price pins, it is time to start input or outpots, writing and reading time on your AVR microckonular (as included in my previous AVR piece).
Let’s assume that you have arranged the pins as an output on Port B of an athlete ATMEGA 328p. The next step is to actually set the pins high or less. As with the direction of the pin, you write the values (0 or 1) for each pin by writing the value of the eight -bit register. We use the Portics Register for the results. So for Port B, it will be PORTB
The number of pins in each port is 0-7 and we have fixed them high or low by writing 1 or 0 on the butt associated with the register. For example, keeping Pin 3 high, we have to make sure that ‘3’ bit of bit PORTB
One is The ‘3’ bit is actually the fourth from the right. Bits are counted from 0 to right (the least important bit, LSB) to left (the most important bit, MSB). So ‘3’ bites are actually presented by the price 8 because in the binary is in 00001000
. So you can just write it PORTB
. But as we did in the article …