Dr. Ling HuangHofstra Professor ChemistryWith three Forensic science Majers- My lemon ’25, Hannah Lavina ’25And Ryan Smith ’24 – – The 77th Annual Scientific Conference of the American Academy of Franzic Sciences (AFS) (AAFS) Where he presented his research on the formation and safety of cannabis products.
Founded in 1948, AAFS is a multi -pronged professional organization that provides the leadership to present science and its use in the legal system. The goals are to promote professionalism, integrity, ability and education. To promote research; To improve exercise; And encourage mutual support in forensic sciences. This year’s conference took place on February 17-22 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Maryland.
Lima, Which remains inside Smith, a resident of Kasadaga, New York, and Massachusetts, “presented a modified and improved Dokinos test for the classic and designer cannabis products.”
This research was a continuation of the work of the lemonade as a Hoffstra recipient during the summer Dr. Bruce and Doris Lester showed fellowship Which allowed him to stay on campus to work on research in the summer of 2024.
Lemay and Smith also offered “Fast Blue B Test Corrections for cannabis products”.
The most used tests for the screening of the cannabis include Dokinos Leone and Fast Blue B. Students’ research with Dr. Huang examined ways to eliminate disturbing and toxic substances from these tests.
Levina, who lives in Barrington, Rhod Island, presented the “DSI-GC/MS Analysis Designer Canbus Analysis”, which has been operating since the spring 2023. During the fall of 2024, he was awarded the Research Assistant Ship Robinwoots Honors College.
Dr. Huang Lemey, Smith, and Lavina could not have been the product. “Our forensic science students showed their research successes to the international audience, mostly from graduate schools and government labs worldwide. “The results they presented were impressive and received their respect from the Franzic Science community, which raised the reputation of the Hofstra’s forensic science program.”
Providing opportunities to present undergraduate research at campus and national and international conferences shows the commitment of the university’s success, which is one of the pillars. Hofstra 100 Strategic PlanRecently introduced Hofstra President Susan Pozer.