Nintendo Switch 2 Might Cost $499. What You Need to Know About Preordering

When we are close to the Switch 2 Nintendo Directo event on April 2, more details about the launch of the company’s flagship gaming console are focusing. We do not know much about the new switch games (in addition to a short peek at a new Mario Cart in the Inshifa Trailer), but we have more insights about release time and expected costs.

In January, Nintendo’s Switch 2 unveiled no more than the new console format. There were backward synchronous features and hand -on events to test the console, which will take place all over the world.

In advance are not officially open, nor is there any set of release date, but after Nintendo’s announcements, information and rumors about the launch have gone away.

See this: Nintendo Switch 2 announced: Everything we know

You need to know about switch 2 advances.

Where can I offer Switch 2?

So far, Best Best is the only retailer to confirm that it will be in advance for switch 2. Already exists A page dedicated to switch 2And those who are interested can offer their email so when it is available.

In the near future, other retailers before Switch 2 have Amazon, target and Walmart.

When can I offer Switch 2?

Nintendo has not provided any date for the advance, but it will be after the switch 2 Nintendo directly on April 2.

How much will the switch 2 cost?

This is another details that Nintendo has not yet announced. The original switch was launched for $ 299, but at this time the switch costs $ 350 while considering OLED, it is unlikely that the cost of switch 2 will be reduced.

According to a recent recent, some Nintendo Analysts are now forecasting the Nintendo Switch 2 price point of 9 399 – 9 499. Bloomberg’s report. Analysts expect the switch 2 chip itself to cost between $ 130 and $ 150.

See this: Nintendo Switch 2 announced: Everything we know

When will Switch 2 be released?

Until after the switch 2 Nintendo Directoes, we will probably not know this information. However, the aforementioned Bloomberg report shows that the new switch will be released to the public on June 2, 2025, with 6 to 8 million consoles predicted with inventory. Fortunately to raise a hand on one.

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