Say Goodbye to the Google Assistant—Gemini Is Moving In

Google announced Friday that Google Assistant is no longer for this world. The company plans to move most Android devices to Gemini. This includes phones, tablets, devices that are connected to your phone, headphones, and even the assistant involved in the car. Only devices have been rescued that will be limited to 2GB of ram or not on the sync version of Android.

It is First official declaration From Google that Google Assistant is going out, it is not that we were not expecting it. Gemini is already a default experience on the mainstream Android devices, including Google, Samsung, Motorola, OnePlus, and overseas brands. Google also insisted that “millions of people have already switches”, though I would challenge them how many people did. For example, I didn’t want to change initially. I just got it because I realized that if I was writing about smartphones, I had to evolve with these times.

I am Trust About this, because Google’s Assistant Google’s Gemini Ai is dirty. Google is slowly watching that I have trained myself to interact with my smart home and other Google -led devices that it has been disastrous. I am thinking of my precious dongle that barely holds in his old car. But I am also thinking about Lenovo smart watch that I use to get up every morning and to shut down the lights every night. I have contacted Google and the manufacturers of these devices to see what they recommend. I suspect that a ton of disappointment expressed in the forum posts on the Internet because people realize that their Google Assistant Device Paper Whites will become. Who had the paper even now?

Gemini is a better digital assistant in many ways. This is a lot of exchanges, and you can use you with your own ideas and what you don’t talk about. I recently shared a 15 -minute video with my partner I took from Gemini and I was left behind about what I was researching about something. At the end of this, Gemini did not put a net of excellent results – he forced me to cry a little in frustration. But through this experience, I realized that the assistants we knew with Google Assistant and even Apple Siri were going through the next evolution. Digital assistants were always considered more conversation, personal and interactive. And now that Gemini has acquired it, Google is ready to prepare it.

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