Source: Geo Health
During the Apollo missions on the moon, astronauts faced an unexpected threat: lunar dust. It is shaken by their space suit. Lunar landers entered. And the irritable air hugs, the cough fits, and the eyes drink. It has been decided later that long -term exposure to lunar dust has chronic effects of health. Now, scientists are concerned about how Martin dust can affect astronauts.
Wang Et El. Documentation was how Martin Dust can damage the health of astronauts who spend years on the planet and suggest a strategy to reduce the exposure to dust. On average, Martin dust is only 3 micrometer diameter, or human hair width is 4 %. This excellent dust can disturb the lungs of astronauts, penetrate their bloodstream, and increase the risk of lung diseases and diseases such as cancer.
Martin dust contains compounds such as procures, iron oxides, silica and gypsum that can be toxic to humans. For example, pelvicos can affect hormonal regulation, and only a few milligrams of martin dust will remove the safe dose recommended on the ground. Breathing of silica, such as coal miners on the ground, increases the risk of lung cancer.
The dust also contains metals like arsenic, chromium and barialium, though they can be in very little concentration to affect human health. Iron oxide helps to make the dust magnetic and electro stattic, which means that it can sprinkle from space, as is like a lunar dust. In addition, the high amount of radiation that receives astronauts make them more sensitive to pulmonary fibrosis, which can increase the exposure of martin dust.
Without a long journey with Mars and Earth, without medical facilities, emergency treatment for such conditions would be difficult. Researchers say that the first place should be preferred to reduce the exposure of dust. A combination of air filters, self -cleaning space suits, and electro -static replications can help limit the exposure of astronauts. For,,,,,,,,,, for,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,, for,,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,,,, for,, for,.Geo HealthFor, for, for,.
Be Reebica Dismobk, Science Author