Business owners, human trafficking victims, lawyers discuss tort reform

Both sides of the controversial harassment reform issue spoke on Thursday in Georgia Capital, not on the state house or the Senate floor, but in the halls below the gold dome.

A group of business owners held a news conference Thursday morning so that the Government Brian Camp has declared its top priority for the 2025 General Assembly meeting for legislation.

The comprehensive bill, which was approved by the Republican -controlled Senate with most party lines last month, aims to reduce the “fleeing” jury awards in urban cases, causing business owners to complain that they are threatening to keep them out of business.

“Our industry is attacking our industry … through serious cases,” said Haley Boover Frank, chief marketing officer of a floral branch operating in northern Georgia, said Haley Bover Frank, a floral branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branch -branching. “

At the end of Thursday, human trafficking victims and lawyers who represent the victims and their families who organized a news conference to criticize the Senate Bill 68 in cases against business, where smuggling. Their opposition was primarily focused on a supply of the bill that faces the guidance of the “premises” due to the negligence of the defendants.

“This bill will give full immunity to bad actors … regardless of how many security measures they fail,” said Natania Brooks, a lawyer for an office trial in the patchry corners. “This bill is not good for Georgers. It will cost life.

Most of their complaints in hotels were aimed at saying that human trafficking was underway, but human trafficking was underway, but they failed to act.

Earlier in a news conference, when it comes to avoiding human trafficking, a hotel executive defended the industry methods.

“The safety and safety of our properties is always at the forefront of the Metro Atlanta, the vice president of the hotel operations for Hotel Venture Hospitality, said.”

Opponents of the bill also criticized a clause in the Senate Bill 68 that would require responsibility in a civil suit when the plaintiffs or defendants request such a “distribution” in the trial of the cases, it will need to be determined before considering the loss of jury. He said such a division would already be forced to be traumatized by smuggling.

After failing to advance significant violence reforms by the General Assembly, the Republicans have created a strong pace this year. Tour reform is also being lobbyed, with two business groups running an advertising campaign across the state this week.

“Small businesses are the backbone of Georgia’s economy, but many local businesses are struggling to weigh the costs of launching,” said Hunter Lagagins, director of the National Federation of Independent Business. “The Senate Bill 68 will help focus on the service of its communities rather than wasting money, rather than wasting money, instead of wasting money, and fighting unfair cases.”

The Senate bill is now sitting in the House Rules Committee, which has formed a special sub -committee that has heard several hours of testimony from both sides. Expected to reach the house floor for the next week ..

Opponents said Thursday that they intend to propose a legislative amendment to remove human trafficking from providing responsibility for the premises.

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