Well, everyone, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that Rukashi, the author of the Silence Hill F, who created a beloved horror Manga series, says that he has worked so hard on the horror video game of the next survival that he does not care if he writes the last thing. The bad news, okay, this is also bad news, because it is very confirmed that the silent Hill F is going to be very sad.
Whether it’s a good or bad thing or not, of course. This is absolutely quiet, but to me there is a limit that it is offensive before experiencing a terrible story. This is a forgiving limit, with deep disturbing sports like the last 2 and the silent Hill 2, I have some favorite, but there. As far as the work of Request 07 is concerned, let’s just say that when they cry, the series comes closer, which is very closely limited.
However, Revocashi 07 had to say about writing a story for the silent Hill F: “To date, I remember the feeling of my first confrontation with the silent hill and the oppressive environment. It still thinks me deeply, and it is not a matter of fact that I have created a lot of memories of this. I created many memories of it. “
Request 07 is a famous horror author, there is no doubt about it, but his work body is slightly contradictory, so despite the fear that I will leave the silent Hill Fly sad, it is certainly encouraging to hear about the game.
Talk about what, check out Silent Hill F.’s new trailer, which is sad that no gameplay is included but I have never seen some weird monsters proud.