Charleston, WWA (WSA Z) – The Western Virginia Bureau of Public Health believes that after landing at the Washington Dolls International Airport on March 5, some Western Virgins have suffered a measles after a resident of Maryland, a resident of Maryland.
Officials say the potential exhibition is in the site of the airport’s terminal A, which is located between 4-9 pm in the central terminal and the goods claim area.
Health officials also say that if you are in the area or think that you have been exposed, it is better to see the symptoms by March 26.
The Department of Health said that the first phase of the symptoms is often more than 101 degrees, the nose, cough and red eyes of water. Officials said the symptoms could show seven to 14 days after displaying.
After the symptoms began, officials said that after three to five days, an itching may appear on the face and spread to the rest of the body. According to a release released by the Health Department, “the victims of measles are infectious four days before the rash came out.”
The measles spreading in several states adjacent to Western Virginia shows how contagious the disease may be, said Dr. Steven Asianver, a health officer at Kanoh County.
“A room with nine out of 10 will likely contract the disease because it is so easily spread through the air. Even when a person leaves the room, the measles can potentially spread after hours, only delays in the air.
West Virginia has the highest number of security vaccines in the country, and this is the only way to stop the epidemic, Asianver said.
“So, it is really important not to buy in non -scientific data that says that you can cure the disease with vitamin A, when in fact, it does not work to treat or prevent measles.”
He said that change in the current need of the vaccine would increase the possibility of matters here.
“If we relax our vaccine laws, our population will potentially suffer from the spread of measles as we have seen in other states.”
Children and pregnant women are at risk of the worst effects when catching measles without any protection, Dr. Asianver said.
“Measles can cause irreparable harm to a non -birth child, so it is really important that women be protected from measles contract.”
Asianver says the disease is a little closer to comfort and code will not cure the disease with the use of treatment, including liver oil, vitamin A and diet changes.
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