Seoul Searching In South Korea: Grazia’s Travel Diary

Seoul, South Korea / Art Kimberley Castler

Undergo a stir – but never dubious – crowded Mayong Dong Station Feeling natural. I found myself passing through endless stairs with a sense of walkweights and familiarity written from the electoral store. Shiny color transit card, a perfectly time train, and later a sharp walk tap, I sat near the river Han for a day and basketing in a cold fall air for a day. The next day, after shopping hours through shining department stores and advanced boutiques, it felt amazingly appropriate to stay through a convenience store. Catching a beverage and a packet of cheap ramen, I slipped into one of the racket plastic chairs through the window. Microwave’s murmur of my food and the flickering of fluorescent lighting was just as happy as it was full of luxury. After a few hours, I found that the small cup of Ramen had left me. After I got into the city scene from my hotel, I became one with a colorful crowd. Younger children, students are still enjoying the city in their uniforms, with great groups of friends and couples – despite an hour of late. My mission finally removed me from them and still opened in one of the many cafes. None of these moments lacked full relief and peace. It felt as if you were often visiting childhood and so welcome you.

Han River at sunset in the city of Seoul city, South Korea. Getty Images
Seoul-South Korea Travel Diarsus
Left: Spotted – Hannah 543, a friendly filled comfort outside the gangman. Right: Epic Star Field Library, Gangam Search.

This was my first week in the South Korean city of Seoul. To this city, I noticed that the warmth and great feeling of warmth made me upset. I was not even able to properly describe her to friends returning home. After just days in the city, it felt like a house away from home, somewhere in healing, I would come back to feel myself again at the lower places of my life. Indeed, connecting a city is not a concept. There are people who visit the countries and never leave because it just feels right, and he finds his home away from home from all over the world. Often, deep contacts from a place are specific to old hips or places where important events occur. However, at first glance, love is not completely foreign. Anthony Borden once announced that his first visit to Vietnam was for the first time with a future partner. Even if a journey does not bring a connection to any kind of unreasonable soul, I am sure that travelers can at least confirm that some places feel more than on the map.

Left: Searching in Savingso Dong, Seyingso flagship store. Right: King Sijing Sculpture, to see a bit in Jongno.

Chinese -American geographical Yi Fu Minor dedicated an important part of his career to studying places that are not as a makeup of border lines or makeup of tipographical properties, but rather as a study of this reaction by us. Imagine Topophilia – coming from Greek words Topos: Place, And Flay: The love of – The energy was completely presented as a measuring trend. This means that we can not only study to the extent to which different environments improve our constitution, but what specific elements in this environment cause it, whether it be a natural environment, cultural makeup, our personal history and so on. Moreover, the UK’s National Conservation Trust has found that your early years, your important second, or a place about your current identity. This sound is described by itself, but the energizes in which these motivations are not always so straightforward. For example, he describes those who have grown up near the sea who have been attracted to major cities because of their seeming infinite. We prepa

Left: A movie vending machine in Hangdea. Right: Ming Dong Shopping Street, Miang Dong Stir and Stir.

Whether it’s a direct link- as you used to go with your family for a holiday when you were in childhood or where you met your partner- or indirectly, as described by energy, such places remind us of a feeling. This is not always a conscious trend. In 2017, the Nervous studies of the trust revealed that it is primarily amiglass, a part of the brain dealt with the reaction of memory, which is why we are dynamic from the places we feel connected. This is the same structure where the reactions of trauma come, so it is clear that these reactions may not be what we can always understand quickly or completely. As stated earlier, the essay of energy, when they were smaller than the city, could not connect their love to the sea if it was not the point of study. Knowing this, it may be that my draw towards Seoul is to tie a childhood association or a partner that I cannot give enough space. However, I have a third gesture and is not particularly interesting. This is one that can be easy for us if we have a reasonable impression about ourselves.

Retail therapy at Fandy and Canzo stores in Gangam. Right: Ohsio popup, savings, Seoul.

The Trust found that some places were greatly affected despite personal history or tie. These places are often the ones that we have just traveled recently and are very high in the city’s centers (32 %) or in rural areas (32 %)-which is why there is such a movement of such prejudice in the south and Italian rural areas of France. These places are less about who we were or our history, but instead of how we see ourselves and who we want to be. Various articles and their exemplary places have been explained in confidence, which has affected anything with excitement, youth and compatibility, or feelings of comfort, recharge and nature. It is about how these emotions are in accordance with our understanding and global ideology. A high -powered, carrier -based person discovers that they find peace in feeling small against the endless mountain sight. The artist who feels amazing architecture feels to those who came forward before they came forward to make them a beautiful thing. A slightly cunning woman who finds herself in an unforgettable sanctuary city, where you can be yourself but never lonely. With dozens of reading with you, reading the river along the river, looking for a cake at midnight and many others.

In fact, there was a lot about Seoul that was fit in how I see myself at this stage of life. This is a permanent opposite of values ​​and aesthetics. Against the background of the natural beauty of the mountains and rivers, the height of technology, the definition of luxury as well as the definition of easy things, the front of the fashion between tradition and history, and the celebration of pop culture and entertainment against the customs of stable work can only be found in colonial countries. It seems that this visit has attached the right phase of my life so that it becomes a really meaningful thing.

Seoul-South Korea Travel Diarsus
Bosan, looking at the Gamchin Culture Village’s views.

With this result, you can raise the question: Can we reverse the engineer? To find and predict more soul contacts, which position we are to fit in where we are? To some extent, of course, Tuan explained the artistic spirits to find enlightenment in places where the previous artists lived, and therefore London or Zindert could be their call. Or those who feel more free, want to expand in the countryside and avoid the crowds, the cities of the crowd. We can also use previous trips to assess that other places can affect the same. However, it can also be said that a part of travel joy is unexpected. Whether it is a kind of food or preferred by the locals, it is actively stumbling with something. For this reason, I will probably not find myself psychological for any other seoul moment. Instead, I look forward to the trips that are ahead. If I am lucky, I can find a place again, and this time you think it is better. If not, I will always have Seoul.

This feature has been published in the 20th edition of Grinzia International. Order your copy here.

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