Environmental Protection Agency’s Administrator Lee Zidden on Wednesday announced about three dozen illegal measures that he said, adding that the principles of unfair burden will be encouraged by the US economy. Many tricks will affect historical rules for the purpose of cleaning and water safety.
Here is a look at some of the 31 regulatory changes announced by Zallon.
Review the standard of power plant emission
Biden Administration Fix limits on the planet’s emission of warming An important step to reduce greenhouse gases from existing gas and coal-fired power plants-heavy pollution energy sector. Trump has long been opposed to such harsh, climate -friendly boundaries and has promoted oil and gas development instead. The agency will revise the standards of the Biden administration to avoid limiting energy production, Zeldon said.
Repeat the limits of toxic emission on electric plants
The Jeffrey Energy Center runs close to coal -fired power plant Emot, Ear, Saturday, January 25, 2025. (AP Photo/Charlie Radell, File)
Coal plants eliminate toxic metals like Mercury and the Biden administration issued a rule Strict limiting these pollution. Officials at the time said that technology had made considerable progress to perform these plants better. The EPA said on Wednesday that about two dozen states have filed a lawsuit, and discussing that this rule is expensive and is a huge burden on coal plants, especially. They also consider the industry offering to extend the two -year compliance, while officials again consider this principle.
Review the rules of waste water for coal and other power plants
Harassed metals such as Mercury and Arsenic Coal, such as steam -powered electric plants, are eliminated in waste water. These can have serious health effects, including increasing cancer rates and reducing childhood IQ scores. The Biden administration tightened the rules of waste water. The EPA said it would revise the “harsh” rules that are expensive for the industry and therefore residential can increase energy bills.
New use for the waste water of oil and gas

The CHS Oil Refinery has been slightly slaughtered against MacFersen, the ear on September 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Charlie Radell, File)
Currently, the wastewater produced by oil and gas drilling can be used in limited ways in some Western countries, such as agriculture. Environmental experts say that wastewater can have a wide range of pollution, some of which may not be known. The EPA said it would revise these principles and look at how treated water can be used for other purposes such as cooling data centers, fire fighting and other environmental needs. He says the current rules are expensive, old and do not reflect the capabilities of modern treatment technologies.
Re -Consider the Petrochemical Emergency Planning
The Biden administration has tightened security measures against industrial and chemical plants accidents, near which millions of people live. The agency’s Risk Management Program included plans and reporting requirements for facilities and forced some to implement new security measures. Accidents in these plants may be severe – for example, a 2019 explosion at a Texas facility, for example, forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate. Industry associations have criticized some parts of the rule, such as publicly reporting sensitive information.
Zodland said the Biden administration officials ignored the recommendations of national security experts on how their rule threatens to attack chemical and other sensitive facilities in the United States. “The EPA is re -considering this principle.
To modify the Green House Gas Notification Requirements
The EPA said it was reviewing its mandatory greenhouse gas reporting program, which requires thousands of large industrial pollution to tell the agency about its expulsion. “The” bureaucratic government program “costs millions of dollars on the” bureaucratic government program, “said Zeldon. So far, the EPA said that the data helps businesses to compete with rivals and find opportunities to reduce them and reduce costs.
Review Light Duty, Medium Duty, and Heavy Duty Vehicles
Zodidon vowed to review his agency Extract standards for cars and trucks“The Biden Harris is the basis of the mandate of the electric vehicle, calling the rigorous emission.” The Biden administration did not implement anything to make and sell or buy consumers to enforce anything. The standards of locking will give vehicles a chance to exclude more and more warming greenhouse gases from the planet, but many car makers are already investing in making their vehicles more efficient.
Consider the 2009 risk of relying on it and the rules and regulations
Scientific Detection, under the 2009 Clean Air Act, has determined that warming greenhouse gases from the planet endanger public health and well -being. It has been the main focus of the nation’s action against climate change. Trump had already instructed the EPA to consider the “legal status” searched in an executive order. Experts say the effects of climate change on human health and environment are already clear, and that the search will be disastrous.
Reviewing the principle of technology transfer
This program implemented rigorous rules to reduce use Hydro fluorocarbonExtremely powerful and planet warming greenhouse gases used in refrigerators, air conditioners, heat pumps and more. HFCs, as they are known, are thousands of times more powerful than carbon dioxide and leak through goods that use compressed refrigerators. Dozens of countries around the world have promised to reduce their use and preparation for chemicals.
Elimination of ‘Good Neighborhood Plan’
This principle was intended Limit air pollution by limiting Smoking emissions at the power plant, and from other industrial places, in 11 states. It would be specifically to finish Influence down the neighborhood The ground surface ozone, or smog, is burdened with pollution, which is out of control. However, the Supreme Court had already overcome this principle The last summer, The possibility of a rule that challenges it is dominant.
Reconstruct Science Advisory Board and Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee
These seats have long been politicized how influential they can be in the determination of national environmental policy. Board Review “Scientific and technical information used by the EPA is suggested as the basis of quality and compatibility or agency rules” and the agency’s research program. The Congress directed the agency to set up boards in 1978 to provide advice to the Administrator Science. The committee can give the agency’s administrator “independent advice” on the country’s hard work standard standards.
Review the National Acute Hawaiian standard standards
Power plants and industrial facilities release particle substances, or mascaras, which can easily go from a person’s lungs and in their bloodstream. Last year, the Biden administration tightened the standards controlling the mascara in response to scientific research, which shows that the current rules were insufficient. At this time, EPA is estimated Its strong rules and regulations will save thousands of lives and prevent millions of cases of annual asthma and lost work. The Trump administration’s EPA says these regulations are a “major obstacle to companies” and that masculine levels are low in the United States.
Review national emission standards for air pollution for US energy and manufacturing
These EPA standards apply to pollution that cause cancer, congenital defects or other serious precision issues, such as asbestos and Mercury. Industrial facilities are needed to follow strict standards to monitor, control, and limit the amount of these chemicals that provide these chemicals.
Recruitment of the Regional Territory Program
For decades, this EPA program needs to reduce pollution for states, which threatens natural ideas in more than 150 national parks and deserted areas, including the Grand Valley and the Yellow Stone. Zodland said that the United States has taken advantage of improving the national parks, and that the program is being used as a justification for shutting down industrial facilities and threatening cheap energy.
Restoration of ‘Carbon’s Social Cost’
The social cost of carbon is an EPA tool that can use the benefits of regular economic spending and pollution -generating industries on climate warming carbon dioxide emissions. This calculation is used in cost -advantage analysis, and the purpose was to calculate the effects of emissions of greenhouse gases, including natural disasters, crop damage, health problems and increased sea levels. Under the first Trump administration, carbon was about $ 5 per tonne. An executive order, Trump, signed his office on the first day and instructed the EPA to fully consider the policy of “releasing US energy” on the termination of the calculation.
To prioritize the Coal Ash Program to accelerate state permit reviews and update regulations
After burning coal, ash is full of heavy pollution, including arsenic, lead and mercury are left behind and is usually stored in the giant pit under the federal rule. The EPA says it is now trying to “rapidly put the regulation into the hands of the state more fully”, which can lead to weak standards of environmental groups. Last year, the Biden administration closed a gap that allowed companies to avoid the responsibility of cleaning coal -fired ashs – a policy that environmental groups say it could now be canceled.
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