Google is trying to fix Messages – but it needs your help


Google Messages have problems recently, and the company is seeking your help when it works well.

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I Post a blog tomorrowGoogle acknowledged that many users are facing problems in receiving media in messages. The company says sometimes the app slows down. Sometimes it closes completely.

The widespread problem

Google did not specifically explain what the problems are, but the redded reports show that these cases are widespread. Some users are reporting that the attachments are slow to load the messages while viewing and will not show for several minutes. Something is saying that images are fading When trying to see them. And some have problems with messages that will not load at all.

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There are problems when receiving media from one of the iPhones or Android, so this is not an OS problem, and they are getting in a variety of devices and careers.

No work

It doesn’t look like you can do anything to improve things. Consumers have reported that restarting their phones does not benefit, and these issues remain that are connected to Wi -Fi or mobile data.

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It says Google is actively working on the issue, and has recently begun a number of updates to improve performance. Some consumers indicate that things are probably getting better and the pictures are full of trouble, but some are still looking at the problems.

Google Winds wants to

If you are still seeing problems, Google wants to know about it.

“Please share your experiences with us,” read Google’s post. “Your opinion is quite important because we work to improve messages for everyone. If you still see trouble, please tell us the details.”

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Users may still have difficulty in messages Report them to Google Messages Help Community. Add as much detail as you can, as you are using, which version of your phone is running, what kind of media are you receiving, and that’s exactly what happened.

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