Wyandotte mom-and-pop restaurant overwhelmed with business after heartfelt post

Vendotti, Mach.

Debbie Celia, co -owner of Gregorio’s restaurant, told 7 News Detroit that after writing the post on Friday, March 7, three consecutive records were breaking nights.

She and her husband Greg, opened their business in 2003.

Debbie Celia said that after seeing the same post written by a small business in the North, it was a motion to write. According to this post, his post has more than 5,200 shares.

“I say, look, we need help. It has been very bad during the week – three tables, four tables, six tables. It’s not cutting my bills. We need help. So, I just posted a simple post and I said,” Please remember us when you go out. “

“Friday night and Saturday were our busiest nights we’ve ever done and it was incredible – sometimes, in 21 years,” he said.

The business was closed as usual on Sunday and Monday, so the staff had the opportunity to recover. But it returned to business on Tuesday where he presented Italian classic dishes.

“And tonight is our busiest Tuesday night,” said Debbie Celia. Congratulations. “

She said she does not expect a tremendous response to the community shown online and at her door.

Debbie Celia said, “I had to remove a lot of tables because we can’t adjust them because we cannot adjust them, and they are like, ‘Oh no. We will come back. Or we know, we just want to support you.”

Steve Skybilia, his wife and brother -in -law saw the Facebook post and decided to quit 50 minutes, but said he would return to the end of the week.

“Now, small businesses, many chains trying to get people out,” he said. “Supporting a local business in your community is a kind of good.”

Lisa Doharti and her family were celebrating the 24th birthday of her daughter’s banana for her daughter. She said that her and her husband often eat at restaurants on special occasions and added that she supports small businesses and local buying.

“Some places you can pay a little more, but it’s all part of it,” Durati told 7 News Detroit.

Jennifer Kalata said that it seems that she and her husband often eat food in Gregario.

“They are just amazing people and very hot,” he said. So, this is always the place to come to our place. “

Debbie Celia said, “The community we had a reaction is too much, and I didn’t even find words to express how blessed we are that it is given to us. We are just a simple mother and pop place.”

“I can pay some bills this week. So, I’m really lucky. I hope it’s going on.”

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