Public Health Efforts Keep Legionnaires’ Disease Risk Low | Article

Although Leagyonella bacteria are naturally found in the freshwater environment, they mainly cause a growing disease in the human -made water system that aerosolizes the water. The name of a severe type of pneumonia, a severe type of pneumonia, was named after the spread of a mysterious disease in 1976, which became more than 200 ill and killed 34 in two weeks. ۔
(Photo Credit: Rahiel Strashk)

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Lijinaris’s disease, an acute type of pneumonia, was named in 1976 A mysterious illness spread a Pennsylvania that killed more than 200 and killed 34 In two weeks, the centers of disease control and prevention centers identified the cause of the disease as a certain type of bacteria. Lagyunilla Bacteria was discovered in a hotel’s cooling towers used for the US Lashkar Convention.

“Now the risk of Lashkar’s disease is low when scientists have learned more about the cause and effective prevention tactics,” says Dr. Charles McCainn, a precautionary medical medical treatment for public health in the city of Maryland, Maryland. “Although the risk is low, matters still happen.”

McKinnon says that two or more people are brought to Legenla in one place and get sick at the same time. The last outbreak by the military was in 2010 at all Silfrej Air National Guard Base, Michigan.

Medical monitoring is a step in public health for communication diseases such as Lashkar Disease, which prevents the presence of large -scale diseases.

To be tracking cases in the army

In order to identify potential outbreaks and prevent additional exhibitions in hazardous bacteria, both the CDC and the US military need medical facilities to report the cases of Lashkar disease.

Alexis Mall, a senior epidemologist of Medicine Division, who is rescued on DHAPHPHP in Aberdin, explained that the leaginolas name is now used to refer both legenearers’ disease and pontiac fever, which is a light without pneumonia.

“Most people with pontiatic fever do not cure their illness,” Molle says, except that, most healthy people who come to Legionella bacteria will not be ill with legendary disease or pontiac fever. This means that the exposure limit can be understood, but we are identifying cases that need treatment on military medical facilities.

Even despite the definition of the extended case, the army has not found a commonly reported disease. This is usually in accordance with the results of the CDC Although rates are high in the general population.

“In the last five years, the military’s medical reporting system has received 87 cases of leggylosis, and only half of them have been confirmed to be Legisrar’s disease,” Molle says. “In addition, the disease was often reported to retire, while less than a third of the reported cases were military personnel.”

Mul has explained that this means that age is a risk factor for leaginolas, and many retirees are not already associated with chronic medical conditions, which makes the group more susceptible to any type of bacterial infection.

Provides answers to questions about Mac Cannon and Mall Leagynilosis:

Frequently asked questions

Q. What is Leagyonelosis?

Legionalosis contains diseases (legger disease, pontiac fever) caused by legenela bacteria. Many species of bacteria can cause the disease, but the presence of bacteria in the environment or even in clinical samples (such as urine or blood) does not mean that a person will become ill or ill. Most of the disease is caused Leagynila pneumoflaEspecially a sub -type known as Sergroup 1.

Since the bacteria has the ability to harm (even if no medical cases are reported), the presence of leanilla bacteria found in a convenience is considered a threat. Protocol has been set up to ensure proper cleaning Is obtained.

Q. How does a person get sick of the disease of Legioners?

The basic way to expose people is to breathe in the droplets of water that carry legendla bacteria. Less generally, Leagyonella can be transferred by the desire for drinking water. Exposed people who get sick do not transmit infection to others.

While Leagynilla bacteria are naturally found in a freshwater environment, They mainly cause the disease after some human -made water system grow. Large structures such as hotels, hospitals, long -term care facilities, and the complex air conditioning cooling towers of the cruise ship are a special concern. Private housing water systems and air conditioning units usually occur Not Exhibition sources are occasionally attributed to personal hot tubs, whirlpool spasms and even decorative springs.

The CDC reports that since the outbreak of 1976, agencies around the world now have more strict cleaning and hygiene standards for cooling towers and large -scale air conditioning systems. But conditions outside the United States can cause more concern.

Q. What are the symptoms of Leagyonelosis?

Symptoms can include other symptoms such as fever and flu, such as muscle aches and coughs, and may begin several days after bacteria breathing. Symptoms of leggyners’ disease begin two to 14 days after the exposure, and can be confirmed when leagyonilla bacteria affect the cells in lung air bags. This condition may be life -threatening, but it is treatable with antibiotics.

Symptoms of pontiac fever are prepared in a few days in five hours. This is a light disease.Without Pneumonia dry is significant due to dry cough or throat inflammation, fever, cold, fatigue, headache and throat muscles.

Q. How is the diagnosis of Leagyonelosis?

The diagnosis is based on clinical results, as identified as pneumonia symbols, which are identified as chest X -rays, and confirmed the unique type of bacterial medical laboratory antigen, known as ciruted type in the patient. If environmental samples are available, they can be compared to the type of bacteria found in patients’ samples. If the type of bacteria is not similar to the type of environmental source of anxiety, other exhibition sources are considered.

Q. Are some people a higher risk of leaginillosis?

Most healthy people who appear to be exposed to Legendla bacteria are not affected by the disease. Some behaviors, such as smoking, recent travel with outside home stay, recent care for health care, and the use of hot tubs are dangerous factors that will be considered if a matter is determined.

The risk of leggyinilosis is higher in individuals over 50 and the primary disease such as chronic disease, disease or drug disorders, systemic disorders, or diabetes, kidney failure, or hepatic failure. Small, relatively healthy and vaccinated active duty population is less at risk of acute illness than the exposure of Legenla compared to the general population.

Q. Does the risk of leukelosis depend on location or time?

Within the US, the CDC has shown a The higher the number of leaginolavis cases in the northern and Central Western states. With the higher risk of infection in the fall months of the summer, there is some seasonal at risk of leanoselosis as moderate conditions allow bacterial development.

Q. How is Leagynilosis how to distinguish from other pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a common term for infection and infection of the air bag in one or both lungs, which results in fluid in the lungs. The air bag is recruited with fluid or purulent, which causes a cough with mucus, and often fever, colds and has difficulty breathing.

Pneumonia can be a symptom of many different diseases and can be caused by many organisms, including bacteria (such as leujinian disease and cue fever), viruses (such as covide 19 and some flu viruses), and such [“Valley fever”]) The severity of pneumonia infection can be mild to life -threatening. Bacterial pneumonia is usually more severe than viral pneumonia.

To determine the cause of pneumonia, pneumonia is different from other pneumonia due to medical tests/laboratory tests only due to bacteria.

Q. Does the pneumonia vaccine help against Leagynolosis?

There is no vaccine against leaginillosis, nor is the available vaccine available from Lijinella bacteria. However, leggyneares’ disease shares many risk factors like other pneumonia, so as well as respiratory virus, or RSV, vaccine, as suggested, can reduce the risk of acute legendary disease.

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Defense Health Agency supports our nation by improving health and improving preparation.

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