Boys in England significantly outperforming girls in math and science

Credit: Katrina Holmes from Paxial

Recent data suggests that boys in England, 5 and 9, have scored significantly higher mathematics and science girls than in 2019, UCL researchers who analyze the latest trends of International Mathematics and Science Studies (Tims).

ResultsThe results of the mirror of many partner countries, which use 2023 data, have been opened in favor of boys since the last report, which has been published in 2020 with 2019 data.

For this second research report of Tim SS 2023 International Report and Results, written by the UCL researchers and published by the Department of Education (DFE), the team, including the absence of gender, socio -economic status, domestic resources and disciples.

More than 12,000 schools were evaluated in 59 countries in the year 5 and more than 8,700 schools were tested in 44 countries in the year 9. Global Lifting Learning Company Parson examined 267 schools in England.

Most countries score between 400 and 600 on a Timss scale. In mathematics, the boys in England opened the 26 -point gap for girls, which scored 512 against the girls 538, there was a significant difference in 2019 when there was a difference of two points from 516 (boys) to 514. The difference in England is the largest in any part of the country.

In the year 9, boys performed significantly better in science-538 to 524 with 14-point lead from 2019, where there was a three-point difference with girls with 518 (girls) 515 (boys). In the year 5, the scores for science were not significantly different from each other, while continuing the previous trends.

Principal Investigator Professor Mary Richardson (IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society said, “Despite efforts in schools, social economic factors are still impressing how many students perform in mathematics and science. The less education of better education and less education in their home resources.

جب سماجی و اقتصادی عوامل کو دیکھتے ہو تو ، محققین نے پایا کہ طلباء جو 2019 کے بعد سے کسی بھی موقع پر مفت اسکول کے کھانے (ایف ایس ایم) کے اہل تھے ، نے پورے بورڈ میں غیر ایف ایس ایم اہل طلباء سے بدتر کارکردگی کا مظاہرہ کیا ، مثال کے طور پر ، سال میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے مقابلے میں 476 کے The match was scored 476 as 476, against 476, against 476, against 476, against 476, against 476, against 476, against 476.

TIMSS uses the number of books at home as a proxy for social economic status. Researchers got an important difference between the students who had access to a large number of books in the house and those who did not do. In the year 9, students scored 461 runs in households with less than 10 books at home, while homes in homes more than 200 books for 601.

“In the last 20 years, boys and girls have achieved similar scores in Tims in both mathematics and science,” said Dr. Jenny Golding (ie, the Faculty of Education and Society of the co -principal investigator, Dr. Jenny Golding (ie, the Faculty of Education and Society.

It was the most firmly associated with confidence when they trust their ability, to value an article and to like an article. In mathematics and in the year 9, in both groups of both years, a significant percentage of boys has reported a lot of confidence in the list of relevant statements, on the contrary, it is true for girls.

For example, in the year 9 mathematics, 21 % of boys and 9 % of girls said they were very confident, while 38 % of the boys said they were not confident than 60 % of girls.

“Pirsen was proud to be proud of the online diagnosis and questionnaires in England schools through the Department of Education,” said Dr. Grace Grima, the National Research Coordinator of Tims 2023, and the Director of International Diagnosis in Parson.

The Tim SS Study, which is run by the International Success (IEA) diagnosis, occurs every four years. England have participated in every cycle since its inception in 1995.

More information:
Trends in International Mathematics and Science Studies 2023: England.… e -Study -2023 -England

Provided by University College London

Reference: Boys in England performed significantly in mathematics and science (2025, March 11) on March 11, 2025 retrieved

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