Microsoft is Support On May 27, its remote desktop app for Windows. If you use a remote desktop app to connect Windows 365, Azure Virtual Desktop, or Microsoft Div box machines, you will have to move to the Windows app instead.
The new Windows app, which launched in September, includes multi -manter support, dynamic display resolutions, and easy access to cloud PC and virtual desktops. “Contacts from Microsoft Store from Microsoft Store will be blocked after May 27, 2025 via Windows 365, Aizur Virtual Desktop, and Microsoft Dev Box, Microsoft says.
The current remote desktop app does not have to be confused with Microsoft’s remote desktop connection app that has sent it within Windows for more than 20 years. This app will remain in Windows 11 after May 27, and Microsoft says that the machines can be used to connect until the remote desktop protocol (RDP) is supported in the Windows app.
The mention of RDP support may mean that Microsoft will eventually support personal accounts in its Windows app. Despite the long -term ambitions to complete Microsoft’s Windows in the cloud, you can currently use the Windows app so you can currently use a work or school Microsoft account.