Majority of Racket Sport Players Able to Return to Play at Similar Skill Level After Joint Arthroplasty

San Diego For, for, for,. March 10, 2025 / PR NewsVire/ – While participation in pickle balls and other sports is increasing, data returning to play after joint arthroplasty (JA) is limited. Presented at the annual meeting of 2025 American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon (aaos), a New study It has been found that the majority of patients playing racket sports can return to play within six months after the JA, and without increasing the re -processing rates at a similar skill level. There were also physical function scores that did not return to the game after surgery, compared to patients who returned to play.

Ricklet games are incredibly popular United StatesFuel by pickle hair, which has seen a 159 % increase in participation since 2019.I Many people who play racket games are over 60 years old, which is an aging group that is at greater risk of hip and knee Osteo arthritis (OA), Overlap to Racit Sports Players and JA Patients.ii There is no clear consensus on this that different activities are safe after surgery, resumes after surgery.iii

An online survey was sent to 7,200 patients who had done at least one primary JA in the same academic center in the last 10 years (((January 2014 to October 2023) The survey asked patients about their previous and current racket sports participation, including qualification levels, expectations, limits and re -execution. Demographics, patient notification results, and re -implementation were also processed through a chart review. All surveys include patients reporting information information system, regardless of physical function and short form V1.1, regardless of the World Health (Profession).

Of the 1,284 respondents, the average follow -up time was 3.6 years, and the average age of the survey was 66.9 years. The results include:

  • Of the total respondents, 61.7 % (N = 792) had never played a racket game, 25.3 % (N = 325) played a racket game two years ago from JA (remote players), and 13.0 % (N = 167) went to a racket game within two years.
  • Of the recent players, 71.9 % of remote players returned to play after 30.2 % of the players.
  • The most common time window to return to the game was four to six months for each game with 44.4 % pickle player, 36.2 % of the 36.2 % of the tennis players and 39.1 % of the other players of Rich Sport.
  • When compared to remote and sometimes players, recent racket sports players were the most professional in physical functions, physical health and mental health.
  • For those who returned to play after the JA, the majority reported that they played their desired racket games or so on. The majority of patients have been very satisfied or satisfied with their JA that they allow them to return to their desired game, with 90 % of tennis players, 77.2 % pickle players, and 86.9 % with Rich Sport Players.
  • Of the recent players, 72.5 % of the initial individuals, 76.2 % intermediate, and the return of 65.6 % advanced players, playing on the basis of pre -operative self -reported skill levels.
  • The most common reasons to avoid returning to the game of recent and remote players were the most common reasons for the tennis players (29.7 %), and the pickle players (35.3 %) were interested.
  • The re -working rate was not significantly different among patients who did not return to the game.
  • The limits of this study include being susceptible to the survey based on the survey, and the participants had to report their own skill levels, which could make mistakes, and there was no objective method to detect racket qualifications over time.

2025 AAOOS Annual Meeting Statement Statement

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With more than 39,000 members, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon The world’s largest medical association is a specialist in muscle experts. AAOS is a reliable leader in advancing muscle health. It provides the highest, highly comprehensive education to help orthopedic surgeons and its affiliate health professionals at all levels of the carrier so that patients can be treated well in their daily methods. AAOS is a source of information on bones and joint conditions, treatment and related muscle health care issues. And this leads to a discussion of health care on the standard of development.

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I Despite the decline of the team sports, Akabas L. Americans are more active: data. Sports. Appeared February 22, 2023. Derived February 12, 2025.
ii Louiser RF The role of aging in the development of osteoarthritis. Trans Um Clean Climate Associate. 2017 12 128: 44-54.
iii Swanson EA, Shamlizard TP, Dori FJ. Activity Recommendations After Total Hip and Knee Artroplasty: A survey of American Association for Hip and knee surgeons. JRArroplasty. 2009; 24 (6 Spell): 120-6.

Source American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeon

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