A global closure is affecting the old chrome cast model.
New Chrome cast models are not affected.
A temporary job involves making a date manually to re -work Dongal.
An unwanted closure of the end of Google is preventing Google Chrome cast (second general) and Chrome cast audio users from casting any content in their TV. They are also unable to access the device from the Google Home app. This closure is due to disrupting the server side, even not to solve this problem, even as the ordinary defects, such as dongle restart or resume.
7 ordinary Google Chrome cast problems and how to fix them
Tips to re -work your Chrome cast
Based on reddit ThreadThe problem only affects the old chromkaste (second general) and chrome cast audio. Google’s new streaming devices, such as Google TV, Chrome cast ultras, and Google TV streams, are chrome cast, non -affected. 9TO5GOGLE Notifications that some users are looking at the “non -trusted device”: [name] Can’t confirm. This outdated device firmware “may be due to an error message.
It seems that this closure globally affects Chrome cast consumers and is not limited to a particular market.
Wait for Google to be fine
A Reddater A task that has worked for many. This process needs to reset the Chrome cast before March 9, 2025 and manually configure the date of your phone. Once you are, you can use the Google Home app to reset your old chromcoas. However, this is a burden for Google’s server side issues. If you can, wait to solve the company’s problem.
It seems that someone in Google ignored the update of the Certificate files needed for Chrome Cast (Second General) and Chrome Cast Audio, which is probably causing the problem.
The closure continues for more than 10 hours, and Google has not yet officially recognized it. It is hoped that the company will quickly get its work together and solve this problem.