Digital dangers – Newspaper – DAWN.COM

One of the contradictions of our era is that globalization is connecting the world and is cutting it into pieces. The world is more connected to each other than ever, but also atmosphere. It has been increased due to growing but complicated and complicated media landscapes. In the Information Age, Treyia and False fought with information to engage their attention, challenged us to separate the two and focus on what is the truth and the really important thing. In addition, information about information does not mean that there is knowledge.

Now there is a growing body of literature related to information and communication technology. Some books describe its benefits and qualities, while others express doubts and indicate its dangers and harmful consequences. A great new publication, Super Bloom: Nicholas Care has a firmly related to the technologies, the latter category. Kerr has written numerous books on the effects of technology on people’s lives and thinking. Her previous work, Utila, analyzed what the Internet was doing to our brains, in which she argued that it was seriously affecting our ability to think deeply because of opening a new vast. His new book takes forward this conversation and expands that digital communication technology – information systems, online platforms and tools, including smartphones, internet, computers, social media and artificial intelligence – are affecting and changing the lives of people and societies.

All these contacts that enable people to get so much information and messages at unprecedented speed and scope, should expand their minds, expand sympathy and create further understanding and harmony. It is often assumed that making communication more efficient and accessible can cure many problems.

But, the car argued, it did not come out like this. In fact, it has released unexpected and unannounced results, which have been influenced by, which has disrupted understanding and confidence and participated in conflicts and social notoriety. In the flow of information, speed and intensity and stimulating people force people to rely on bias -based intuitive thinking. It has the ability to tap them in a deep analysis. It has disrupted cautious reading, reasonable analysis, diagnosis of procedures and investigations. “Focusing spraying, understanding, becomes thin,” he said. This results in a short cut and shallow thinking.

The car takes readers on an exciting journey in the history of technological development, which begins with the invention of the Telegraph, which also has large -scale communication networks as well as the profitability of the profitable, unauthorized tech companies. He is attracted to psychology and sociology to suppress many of his observations. He writes that there was also “thousands of rhetoric” in the media with every advance. Each time, it was claimed that the world would become a better, friendly place with the people involved in good morals. Personal diplomacy will be declared obsolete, crises have avoided wars and wars. Of course. None of this happened. Therefore, the car claims, “We were lying ourselves about ourselves and ourselves”.

Communication technology has gained unprecedented benefits, but it also includes harmful damage.

He stores his severe criticism for social media and tech companies running them. The consequences are still to be found completely. More than promoting facts and truth, social media increases falsehood and enmity. By eliminating the obstacles to communication, it brings people’s worst of the people into the game. “The ugly material that spreads social media” also attributes the role of tech companies and the algorithm. They choose content content to give rise to strong emotions that make a sloping shield that forcing people to pull even more in ‘feed’. “Social media has given rise to information that has been highly implemented to mobilize not only engagement but also dependency.” In addition, the massive media -shaped audience encourages excessive and un -test self -exhibitions, it tears all boundaries. This is not harmonious, it causes conflict.

Yes, they say, close bonds can be created online, but these and other benefits are nothing more than a disorder, including psychological loss. The car raises the story of how digital media is a democratic vehicle, how it nurtures this ideology, polarization and madness. He says it is more conducive to dictatorial movements and personality sects. He claims that communication media is anything but politically neutral. It gives rise to the contradictions of power because it determines what we know and that is why we shape our thinking in this process.

Some car reviews about digital technology bring in mind a lot of readable and insightful books published long ago. He saw that he had another kind of result – both loneliness, both personal and political. Lonley planets, through British economist Noreena Hertz, focused on a different focus, as the title of his book appears, but also considered the harmful effects of communication technology and social media. Of course, which he described as a global pandemic disease of isolation – which is praised as a sense of being unmarried in the social and family context, and was described as a collision with fellow citizens, governments and states – diverse factors and events. These include “structural and institutional discrimination”, a civilization wave, the rise of nine liberalism and how we live.

But Hertz also assigned “essential role” to social media and smartphones in making people “more angry and tribal”. Analyzing ‘Digital District’, he used research results to suppress the issue that technology and social media are also contributing to the isolation crisis. Smartphones “focus on our attention”, deport us people and “create a sprinkled ourselves”. In addition to pushing people into isolated digital bubbles, social media is creating a meaningful, more aggressive world. This is more clear than trolling and aggressive online behavior. Therefore, Hertz emphasizes the need to stop social media to calculate and recognize the risks of “tech addiction”.

However, none of this means that the offer of communication and digital technology should be exempted and their useless benefits should be exempted. They are widespread and they have strengthened many promising developments and helped promote extraordinary social and economic progress. But these books offer educated insights about the risks and harmful disadvantages they create that cannot be harmed or effectively organized.

The author is a former ambassador to the United States, the United Kingdom and the United Nations.

Dawn, appeared on March 10, 2025

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