Compton, California (AP) – Mathematics Does the article seem to be the toughest of the Harmon Night of the sixth grade, but it is changing?
In class Tattoos The 11 -year -old said that “data chats” have made a dramatic difference in their middle school in Campon, California. He proudly pulled the performance tracker in a tutoring session last week, showing the perfect 100 % score column on all of his weekly quiz since January.
Since the first epidemic diseases have shut down American classrooms, schools have put federal and local relief money in the interferences in Harmonary’s classroom, hopefully help students catch academics after Coid 19 obstacles Will
But a new analysis of the state and national test scores suggests that the average student is the half -grade level behind the success of both reading and the post before the post. Analysis shows that in reading, in particular, students are far behind than 2022.
Compton is an outlet, which has taken the greatest of two years in both subjects in high poverty districts. And there are other bright places as well, with evidence that interferences like tuition and summer programs are operating.
Education Recovery Score Card Harvard, Stanford and Dartmouth researchers analyze to compare years by year to states and districts, which provides the most comprehensive picture yet to how to disrupt US students for the first time learning Later performing.
The most recent figures are based on tests conducted in Spring 2024. Until then, pandemic was the worst past of disease, but schools were still dealing with one Mental health crisis And high Absentee – Do not mention students who have interrupted important learning.

“These disadvantages are not just due to the events that took place during the 2020 to 2021 academic year,” said Harvard economist Tom Kane, a Harvard economist. “
In some cases, analysis shows that school districts are struggling, though their students may have published good results on state tests. The reason for this is that every state adopts its studies, and they do not compare each other. These differences may be impossible to explain whether students are performing better because of their progress, or these changes are because the tests are changing themselves, or the state has reduced its standard for skill. For example, Wisconsin, Nebraska and Florida have felt their skills and read -offs comfortably, Ken said, citing analysis.

One of the teachers pointed to a board when students hear on Thursday, February 6, 2025, in the fourth -grade classroom in William Jefferson Clinton Elementary in Campon, California. (AP Photo/Eric Thierr)
The score card calculates various state tests and provides a national standard.
High -income districts have made significant progress than low -income districts, with 10 % of the highest income districts likely to be recovered in both mathematics and reading, compared to the poorest of 10 %. And the recovery within the districts is divided by race and class, especially in the score of mathematics. The test score difference increased by both generations and income.
“The pandemic diseases have not only reduced the test score, but this deficiency has masked a dangerous inequality that has increased during pandemic disease,” said Stanford economist Sean Rarden. “” “Not only are the districts serving more black and Spanish students, but in these districts, black and Spanish students are pursuing their white districts.”
In class, after school and on Saturday tutors
Nevertheless, many districts that have performed well are mainly served low -income students or colored students, and their intervention offers the best ways for other districts.
In Comapton, the district responded to pandemic diseases by hiring more than 250 tutoring, which specializes in mathematics, reading and English learning students. Some classes have staff with numerous tutors to help teachers. Superintendent Dareen Braville said, before and after school, during and after, “Saturday school” offers summer programs for the district and 17,000 students in the district.
The district still operates dyslexia Screening in all elementary schools.
The low -income school district near the city of Los Angeles, which has a student company that is 84 % Latino and 14 % Black, now its graduation rate is 93 %, while compared to 58 % when Bravie I got a job in 2012.

A tutor helps students at Benjamin and Davis Middle School of Captain, California on Thursday, February 6, 2025. (AP Photo/Eric Thierr)
Sixth -grade student Harmoni said tuition has helped to understand their ideas and gave him more confidence in mathematics. He has “data chats” with his mathematics expert, Part Performance Review, Part Pep Talk.
Harmony said, “Looking at my data, I get disappointed” when the number is low, Harmon said. “But it makes me realize that I can do better in the future and still.”
Bravie said he was proud of the district’s latest test score, but not content.
He said, “The truth is to be told, I was not happy.” “Although we have benefited, and we celebrate these benefits, at the end of the day we all know that we can do better.”
It can be more difficult in the years to come. Federal The amount of pandemic relief Expired; Many schools used it for programs like tuition. Going forward, schooling interferences must be given priority. Ken and Roden said the districts who spent federal money in teaching time, either through tuition or Summer School, saw a return to this investment.
Braville said Kampton hopes to maintain his tuition programs using other funding sources. “The question is, at what scale?”
In many states, anywhere in the country, the reading level continues to decrease despite the movement to emphasize. Science of reading. Therefore, Rarden and Ken demanded the diagnosis of mixed results for the insights of the best ways for children to read. Schools should also engage and tell them When their children are behindResearchers said.
He said that schools should continue to work with community groups to improve the attendance of students. Scorecard identified the relationship between it High absentee And the struggle to learn.
Totors also help attendance
In Columbia district, a highly tutoring program helped both academics and attendance, said Lewis Frobie, Chancellor of DC Public Schools. In the score card analysis, District Columbia secured first place in the states to achieve both mathematics and reading between mathematics and reading between 2024, falling down the mathematical recovery list.
The semen that survived the outbreak provided funds to the teachers, as well as a system of identifying and targeting students in the most needed and targeting them. The district also hired program managers who helped give maximum time for tuition during school days, Freebie said.
Freebie said that students who received tuition are more likely to engage with the school, both increasing confidence and because they had another relationship with another reliable adult.
“I have more confidence in mathematics because I have been confirmed by another adult,” Freebie said. “This verification not only with attendance, but also a student feels as if they are ready to learn and are able to learn.”

A tutor helps students at Benjamin and Davis Middle School of Captain, California on Thursday, February 6, 2025. (AP Photo/Eric Thierr)
Even now, when the amount of federal outbreaks has been lost, Freebie said that many investment in the district will have a lasting impact, including the amount of money spent on teachers’ training and curriculum development.
By 2024, Colombia’s Superintendent of Education District Cristina Grant said she was hoping to see the evidence that created the difference in the success of the students.
“We do not expect. They are our students. Grant said that they did not cause pandemic disease.” The growing concern is making sure we can see ourselves on the other side. ”
Sharon Lauri cooperated with New Orleans.
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