Drax power station didn’t properly disclose burning forest wood

A coal plant in North Yorkshire, power station generates about 6 % of the UK’s electricity and has received billions of pounds in subsidies of government and bill payers because the burning of wood was declared a source of renewable energy. Is

BBC Panorama and BBC News have previously reported that Drakes has held logging licenses in British Columbia, Canada and using wood for its knives from primary and old growth forests to entire trees. Has been done

These are natural forests that have never been industrially logged in and provide significant amounts of lockup and carbon as well as to the major livelihoods of wildlife.

The company says it does not own forests or Arya mills, no longer bid to log in the license and have stopped doing wood source from some sites, where the British Columbia government stopped companies further logging Tooked for

However, public logs records show that Dracks is still through the sources of the entire forest tree, which describes the quality of their sustainability through other companies in the province that the company is “damaging to high carbon forests.” Or will be disrupted “which can be praised. As a basic forest “.

Modern industrial logging began in the inner part of the British Columbia in the 1960s, which means that in recent decades, the areas that have been logged in and replayed are not yet strong enough to harvest these gardens.

Almost all in the interior of the province all industrial logging is from the “forests of indigenous species where human activity is not clearly shown and environmental processes are not significantly disturbed”, explaining basic forests. Words used by Offajium.

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