NEW YORK (APP) – According to the Facility Organization, at least three New York City zoos have died due to at least three and possibly 15 birds AV flu.
The Wildlife Conservation Society said that the Queens died after a three -duck virus contract at the zoo, and the lab tests were pending on three ducks and nine wild birds, which were killed at the bronks zoo after a possible exhibition.
“As a precaution, during the past two weeks, we have transferred the weak species of birds to the safe areas in our parks,” officials said.
On Friday, state officials ordered Bird markets in the Metropolitan area Closing a week after detecting seven incidents of ayon flu during routine inspection in Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens. Government Kathy Hochul said there was no immediate threat to public health and was often temporarily banned.
Avenue flu has targeted fields across the country, which has slaughtered millions of birds and rise in egg prices.
America Centers for control and prevention of diseases It is said that the virus poses less danger to the general public. The agency said that there have been 67 confirmed bird flu cases in humans in the United States, none of them are in New York.