When Marjri Hop Wang said goodbye to his older brother in 1943, she was just a 12 -year -old girl who loved her when she took her for Joey’s rides in Contestable used around Apple’s gardens It was
Yin Hop left for 19 years to join the US military, 55 miles north of San Francisco, in Sebastopol, California, in California. His younger sister never saw her again. She knew that she had died in the war, but she did not know how. Or where. Or what happened to his body.
On Friday, Md – The younger generations of the Hop Family and the soldiers filled the rows behind it as the singer led the group in “amazing grace”.
For 80 years, Sergeant Hop was lost. Now, he was found.
Immigrants from Ms. Wang China were the smallest of the seven children born in Jinn and Chen Hop, who spoke cantonions and struggled to communicate with their American -born children, who speak English.
Life was difficult due to anti -Chinese sentiment through the Chinese Extreme Act, which Congress approved in 1882 to dramatically restrict Chinese immigration. Ms Wang withdrew in an interview, Chinese immigrants were forbidden to stay regularly or work. He said his brother was proud to collect money working as a mechanic and dry apple to buy used convertable apple and tried to entertain life for his brothers and sisters.
In October 1943, shortly after graduating from high school, Unean Hop left for World War II, and reached the position of staff sergeant. Ms Wang said that she and other relatives wore themselves sugar seeds during the war so that Japanese internal camps could not be ordered to report.
In December 1944, the US Army’s Air Force was part of a B17 aircraft, a mission blowing up a mission on the Benjin, Germany, as part of the Sergeant Hop Blood battle. Important for the Allied forces, but very deadly, victory.
The plane was hit by the enemy’s plane, climbing the flames and moving down. The pilot ordered men to be excluded from bail, and they were jumping while deploying their parachutes. Most of them were seized and taken to a German prisoner in a war camp. But three of them were never found, including Sergeant Hop.
His family knew that he was probably. He has died, but nothing else. Her parents placed a frame picture of her beautiful young son in her bomber jacket and springs, above her Mantel. But partially because of the maximum cause of their generation and partially the obstruction of the language, they rarely talked about it.
Sergeant Hop’s nephew Ronald Hop reminded, “We saw a picture of him when we visited our grandfather’s grandmother.” “The only thing we knew was that he died.”
After the war, in 1946, the American Cyprus Registration Command launched an investigation into the sites where the planes crashed in the Banjan Air raid. The study also includes interviewing local residents, many of whom said they have seen US troops using parachutes – and it was an Asian.
But by the 1950s, the leads had dried up, and the Sergeant Hop was officially listed as “non -refundable” and was practically missing. He was awarded several subsequent medals, including purple heart.
In 2013, the case landed at the table of Nichol Ellers, an historian of the Defense Agency, who was accused of searching for missing soldiers. German researchers received documents citing the war crimes case, which stood in the outline of the Sergeant Hop’s disappearance.
Slowly, Ms Ellers and other US and German researchers together said that two other missing soldiers who jumped from the Sergeant Hop and the aircraft were arrested by the Nazi Party soldier German SS soldiers. Ms Ellers said they were put on a train for the POP camp before they arrived but they were killed before they arrived – most likely is like they had jewelry or cigarettes.
He visited the area to do further research and vowed that he was buried in a mass grave against the wall of a small cemetery in the Camp-Boor Hoffen city. The agency had to persuade local authorities to allow the tomb to be excavated, and eventually they dug the bodies, which were buried in a sack of clothes.
Back home, Marjri Hop Wang gave DNA a cheek through a cheek, which is similar to some of the remains found in the tomb. And then it was confirmed. His brother was found.
“This is an incredible moment,” Mr Ellers said in an interview. “I will never withdraw from these boys.”
The agency aims to find and identify the remains of 200 missing soldiers every year. It is rare that a Chinese race is.
Of the more than 16 million Americans fought in World War II, 20,000 of them were Chinese. 40 % of them were not US citizens, but many of them registered to prove their pride in the country they adopted, according to the Chinese American WWII Veterans Identification Project National Director Ed Gore. Sergeant Hop was a US citizen born in California.
Mr Gore was designed to remind Ms. Wong to remind Chinese veterans and told the young generations of nephews and nephews at the funeral on Friday that the same DNA that impressed her uncle to fight for democracy. There was, they were also present.
Ms Wang said it was a small moment to find out what happened to her brother. His death was violent, and he said he hoped he had not been hurt. But she was also happy to know that she was located and she was able to give her burial, which she deserved.
The name of the missing wall in a French cemetery will be marked with a Russian to identify that its remains have been recovered.
Ms Wang said, “It took a long time, but now we have closed. She wished her siblings, they all went away now, knew.
On January 31, an American airline plane landed at the San Francisco International Airport, which picked up a coffin with the remains of Sergeant Hop. It came out of the plane’s stomach, and Pelberus made it a listening to a listening across the air through rain. There, Ms. Wang was reunited with her brother.
On Friday, after speeches and confusion, a pianardic played “America the beautiful” when many people approached the coffin, the veterans greeted him firmly, and the Chinese American friend and relative three times towards him. Are bent.
Local police officers closed the highway 280 on motorcycles when the motorcycle was injured in the Golden Gate National Cemetery, where a large American flag climbed a hill that flew to half the crew in honor of Sergeant Hop.
The soldiers removed the flag from the flag, folded it into a triangle and gave it to Ms Wang, one was bowing down in front of her to thank her for her brother’s service. Others offered three Wali salutes. A bugger played the taps. And then the coffin of the sergeant hop was gradually dropped down into a plot under a tree where it would be marked with a marble tomb.
Finally, that was home.